A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Naturalia 5. (Szeged, 2009)


Summary In October 1992 the members of the number 37 local group of Hungarian Ornithological and Conservation Association and also the research workers from the Science Department of the Móra Ferenc Museum had a common aim: to make a detailed map of the rarest, non-protected species of nature in the county of Csongrád. Everybody who took part in this project was employed by the Science Department of the Móra Ferenc Múzeum except for György Krnács. Béla Gaskó on behalf of the Móra Ferenc Museum and György Krnács on behalf of the Ornithological Association coordinated the field trips. Tamás Antal, Gábor Cse­hó, Béla Gaskó and László Tóth were the members of the team. Vince Balla, Dr. István Bagi, Enikő Gregus, Zoltán Pápai, Mrs. Polner, Anna Simon and Mrs. Dr. Moldovay were of useful assistance in the surveys. The fieldwork started in 1993 and they were intense until the end of 1998. Since then, they do complementary survey, with especial regard to the beetle fau­na. On the 4th of December 1994 Béla Gaskó took personally the list of the 21 suggested species to be protected to the Management of Kiskunság National Park, which was competent of the region of that time. The summary had the title of "About the protection of the natural habitats and near-natural conditions of Csongrád county". In 2000 the Kiskunság National Park asked Béla Gaskó to write the upkeep plan of the future Kőrös-ér Landscape Protection Area (Gaskó 2000) and in 2003 he finished the detailed variant of it too (Gaskó 2003/b). In the south-western region of our county and the south-eastern borders of Bács-Kiskun county the habitats (habitat complexes) that are to be protected can be divided into two types - either chain habitats (which can be considered together a separate biotope-type) or individual natural habitats. In this present description the chain biotopes are only mentioned and the individual natural habitats whose protection are considered absolutely necessary are detailed. These are the following: In the administrative area of Asotthalom — The Süveg-Magyari forest — The turf mine of Atokháza — Rívó (forest and wetland) — Bilisics (marsh-meadow and lake remainder)

