A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Naturalia 1. (Szeged, 1999)

Gaskó Béla: Dr. Csongor Győző (1915-1997)

Summary Dr. Csongor Győző (1915 - 1997^ Csongor Győző was born the 27 th of 1915 Szeged, his original name was Viktor Czibula. Many people considered him „the last polyhistor of the city Sze­ged" and it is true about him without any pejorative meaning of polyhistory. He had very wide interest and did quite a lot of things in his life, but what he did was always wel done. he became the research worker of the Móra Ferenc Múzeum on the 20 th February 1952. In the beginning he worked as a research worker of the department of natural science, the from 1956 to 1957 he was the leader of the department of regional history, in 1975 he retired. He made a survey of the water- bug fauna in the surroundings of Szeged and in the Mid - Tisza basin, he wrote a book about the mysterious life of ephemera together with László Móczár. He made a map of range in the South plain of those earlier neglected species - taxon (Leontodon, orhids, ferns). His botanical researches contributed to getting to know the unique values of nature in Zsombó, Kiskundorozsma, and the former Alsótanya. As a historian of region he wrote the biography of many scientists and artists who came from Szeged. He wrote a series of articles about the period city of Szeged on the basis of the 18 th century handwritten map by Antal Balla. The most famous florists of Hungary acknowledged his merits by awarding him Jávorka Sándor prize in 1996. Other important prizes he wasrewarded with: Silver medal of work (in 1974) silver medal for Szeged (in 1994) he was also considered as an authority amongst the numismatists, he was the member of the Hungarian Numismatical Asssociation from 1947., and was one of the founders of the Szeged Organisation of Numismatists in 1970. He was the chairman of the Csongrád County Organisation of the Hungarian Numismatists Association betwen 1978 and 1994. When he resigned he was chosen to be the honorary chairman. He died on the 5 th of December 1997.

