A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 12. (Szeged, 2009)

MAROSVÁRI Attila: A kiszombori oktatás története 1945-ig

T. Kiss 1998 T. KISS Tamás: Allami művelődéspolitika az 1920-as években. Gróf Klebelsberg Kuno kultúrát szervező munkássága. Bp. 1998. MMI-Mikszáth kiadó. Tor. vm. kgy. jkv. Torontál vármegye közgyűlésének jegyzőkönyve Torontalska Zsupanije 1775-1918. Zapinski Kongregacija 1755-1884. UL Tü. jkv. Tanácsülési jegyzőkönyv VÁLYI 1796-1799 VÁLYI András: Magyar-országnak leírása. I-III. Budán, 1796-1799. VKM Vallás- és Közoktatásügyi Minisztérium ATTILA MAROSVÁRI HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN KISZOMBOR TILL 1945 The earliest record concerning the level of education in Kiszombor is dated from 1781. The record described a ruined educational building in the village which must have been the place of education led by the parochial priest. By ordering the setting up of a simple school in every village, Ratio Educationis II (issued 1806) helped the further development. In 1842 there were two schoolmasters in the village. At the beginning of the 1869/70 school year 898 children of school-age were listed in Kiszombor. The school had five classrooms in three locations from 1893, then in 1895 it was a school with eight classrooms in four locations. The new school building was used as a military hospital in World War I. Kiszombor was under Serb occupation from the end of 1918 till August 1921. The new school year started at the end of September 1921. The institute stabilized activities around the mid-1920s. The agricultural school was reorganized and for some years, lower level handicraft courses were organized as well. A new school building with two classrooms was built in 1926 in the so-called újtelepi part of the village. The educational policy of Kuno Klebelsberg emphasized the education of children living far from settlements. A so-called farm stead school was organized in Purgly-telep (Sándormajor) for the children of the 3040 local dwellers. Education started in 1938 with 17 pupils in this peripheral settlement near Kiszombor. From the 1 st September 1940 the school became a full scale primary school. In this year 582 pupils attended the school situated in three different places: 472 pupils in the central building, 91 pupils in the so-called újtelepi school and 19 pupils in the school at Sándormajor. The central school building became a German military hospital from the summer 1944, so education had to be reorganized again at the end of World War II.

