A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 12. (Szeged, 2009)

FÁRI Irén — NAGY Ádám: Vendéglátók és vendéglátóhelyek Szegeden 1900 és 1920 között

T. KNOTIK 2002 T. KNOTIK Márta. Kávéházak, vendégfogadók, korcsmák és bormérések Szegeden a XIX. század derekán. Móra Ferenc Múzeum évkönyve. Történeti Tanulmányok 5. Szeged. 57-96. 2005 T. KNOTIK Márta: Kávéházak, vendégfogadók, korcsmák és bormérések Szegeden a XIX. század második felében. Móra Ferenc Múzeum év­könyve. Történeti Tanulmányok 8. Szeged. 23-106. IRÉN FÁRI - ÁDÁM NAGY RESTAURANT OWNERS AND RESTAURANTS IN SZEGED 1900-1920 Present paper aims at providing a comprehensive picture on the restaurant industry in Szeged at the beginning of the 20 th century. Both the number and names of restaurants are given, together with the names of restaurant owners. Naturally, we have more data on the quality places of downtown. Due to their vivid programmes, they were more often reported in the local press. Restaurant owners tried to keep the popularity of their places in several different ways. Besides providing food and drink, newspapers, billiard, chess and cards, balling alleys were set up in the gardens. Singing circles, varieties and cabarets appeared on their stages. The new wonder of the age, films were shown in a café in Szeged already in 1903. Despite the appearance of specialised movie theatres, motion picture remained on offer in some cafés. Data source of present paper reviewing a period of two decades was provided by the local paper entitled Szegedi Napló. The newspaper articles provide us with otherwise unavailable and valuable details concerning the restaurant industry of the city.

