A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 9. (Szeged, 2006)

SZABÓ Tamás: Ozorai Pipo faszobrának restaurálása

FELHASZNÁLT IRODALOM BALOGH Jolán: Andrea Scolari váradi püspök mecénási tevékenysége. Bodor, 1984. Gróf KLEBELSBERG Kúnó: A szegedi gondolat. Magyar Iparművészet, 1932. Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon, 1000-1999. RERRICH Béla: A szegedi Nemzeti Emlékcsarnok. Szeged, 1930. október. SEIBERT, Jutta: A keresztény művészet lexikona. Corvina, 1986. SZABÓ Tamás: Ozorai Pipo restaurálási dokumentációja. Szeged, 2003. TÓTH Attila: Szeged szobrai és muráliái. Szeged, 1993. VADAS Ferenc: Ozorai Pipo emlékezte. Múzeumi Füzetek, Szekszárd, 1987. VADÁSZI Erzsébet-ZOMBORI István: A szegedi püspöki palota. Szeged, 2005. ZOMBORI István: A Szeged-Csanádi Püspökség. Szeged, 2000. TAMÁS SZABÓ RESTORATION OF BÉLA OHMANN 'S STATUE OF PIPO OZORAI The wood statue was erected in the Pantheon of Szeged on Dóm square in 1932. The statue dyed with light brown mordant, coloured at parts, is a modern work of art, at the same time having the effect of Gothic sculpture. The figure itself appears as a Christian knight in suit of armour. In front of the straddle-legged knight the evil is defeated: a Turkish janissary on his knees holding in his hands the coat of arms of the soldier of Florentine birth. In the middle of the crest the initials of Pipo's original first name (Philippus) and family name (Scolaribus) are seen. The dyed colours of the statue have faded and changed. The statue have suffered significant damage due to the acidic effect of pigeon faeces. With time cracks have appeared on the surface of the statue. Description of the statue: Pipo Ozorai (1369, Florence - 1426, Lipova, today in Romania) general of King Sigismund, treasurer, Ban of Szörény. He was born as member of a merchant family in Florence, then settled in Hungary as a clerk. Later he entered King Sigismund's service. He was not only an outstanding soldier, but due to his experience as a merchant, he held remarkable economic offices as well. He controlled the gold- and saltmines. In 1401 he became the bailiff of royal salt-mines, then in 1404 he was appointed as Bailiff of Temes. It was due to his offices that he got in contact with the city of Szeged. He led several campaigns against Venetia, the Hussites, the Serbians and the Turks between 1411-1426. He played a significant role in estabhshing the southern line of fortresses in the country. In 1399 he married András Ozorai's daughter, Borbála. Later he built a fortress in Ozora, and ranked the settlement as agricultural town. The artist: Béla Ohmann (1890, Budapest - 1968, Budapest), sculptor. He studied as student of Imre Simay and Lajos Mátrai at the School of Industrial Design in Budapest between 1911-1916. He made study trips to Italy, Germany and France. In 1921 he was appointed as teacher at the School of Applied Art. Together with Lajos Mátrai he created the relief of the Hangyaház in Budapest. Between 1930-1938 he made several statues and relieves for the Pantheon around Dóm square and for the interior of the Votive Church in Szeged. From 1944 until he retired in 1950 he worked in the Department of Decorative Sculpture at the Technical University, Budapest. He was a follower of neo-classicism. Restoration work: mechanical cleaning - removal of pigeon faeces, dust and sooting. General wet-cleaning with chemicals. Repair of cracks. Carving on surface. Consolidation of wood and staining treatment. Retouch and reconstructional painting. Surface-protection.

