A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 8. (Szeged, 2005)

NAGYGYÖRGY Zoltán: A Horgos melletti, egykori Kamaráserdő nyomában. Kamarás-puszta, Kamarás-erdő, Kamarás-fürdő, Kamarás-telep

TERGINA Gyula: Horgosi ásatások. Archaelogiai Értesítő, Budapest, 1894. THURAY József (ford.) / Török történetírók: Török-magyarkori történelmi emlékek, I-II. Budapest, 1893. TÓTH Ferenc (szerk.): Csongrád megye építészeti emlékei. Szeged, 2000. ZABOSNÉ Geleta Piroska: így zajlott az életem. Újvidék, 1983. ZOMBORI István: Reök palota. Tájak-korok múzeumok könyvtára, 449., Budapest, 1994. ZSILINSZKY Mihály: Csongrád vármegye története, I-III. Budapest, 1897, 1898, 1900. A szegedi kamara 1900-as évkönyve. Szeged, 1901. Pallas lexikon, X. Budapest, 1895. Révai nagy-lexikon, XI. Budapest 1914. Társszerzők: Kanizsa monográfiája. Kanizsa, 1995. Szegedi Híradó, Szegedi Napló, Délmagyarország, Szabadság - korabeli lapok. Adatközlők: Ferlling Jakabné Vass Etelka (1902-1999), dr, Bukovetz Imre (1903-1996), Szvoboda Ferenc (1908-2000), Nagy Antalné Hullmann Matild (1910-2001), Dobróka Andrásné Kancsúr Ilona (1911-1998), dr. Tichy Béla (1912-2001), Varga Mihályné Varga Bona (1912-1999), Reök Attila (1913-), id. Nagygyörgy Zoltánné Czalbert Ida (1922-1997), Jankovics Sándorné Fodor Emilia (1924-2000). ZOLTÁN NAGYGYÖRGY THE DISAPPEARED KAMARÁSERDŐ (NEAR HORGOS) Due to its geographical conditions, the region of Kamarás (today near Horgos in Serbia and Montenegro) in the southern part of historical Hungary had always been a suitable place for human habitation. During the centuries both Tatar and Turkish troops destroyed this region. As a result the depopulated wasteland of Horgos and Tisza-Szentpéter (Horgos and area near Horgos, today in Serbia and Montenegro) entered into the possession of the noble family called Kárász. The family came from North Hungary and settled in Szeged, in South Hungary during the 18 th century. Lord Lieutenant of Csongrád County, Benjámin Kárász and his only son, Géza together with his cousin Imre planted won­derful trees, parks and forests near Horgos in 1857. The forest in Kamarás was exceptional! Géza being the last member of the Kárász family, lost his inherited wealth giving himself up to his hobby. His landed property sold up in 1890 went into the possession of four members of the officers' club in Szeged: Béla Kelemen, Iván Reök, Mihály Zsilinszky and Béla Ormódy. Ormódy, a prominent mer­chant and banker in Szeged, bought the pine-forest near Horgos and turned it into Hungary's first offi­cers' holiday resort, called Kamaráserdő (literal translation: forest of Kamarás). However, the resort place with its gorgeous villas mostly designed by Ede Magyar, architect born in Orosháza, had a rather short life, since due to the Trianon Treaty it fell outside the borders of present day Hungary. Kamaráserdő sharing a fate with other once Southern Hungarian settlements has been almost com­pletely destroyed under alien rule. Serbian state power is not interested in preserving Hungarian culture in the territories under their rule. Present study recalls the memory of the holiday resort.

