A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 5. (Szeged, 2002)

HALMÁGYI Pál: Komlóstól Tárnokig. A Sámson-apátfalvi főcsatorna környékének történeti emlékei

PÁL HAL MÁGYI FROM KOMLÓS TO TÁRNOK HISTORICAL RELICS IN THE SURROUNDING OF SAMS ON­APÁTFALVA MAIN CANAL The main natural stream of the area extending from Arad on the River Maros to the River Tisza and on the north bordered by the line between Tótkomlós-Hódmezővásárhely is Szárazér. This stream meandering extremely capriciously hardly conveyed significant mass of water in historical times. The situation then changed fundamentally at times when the amount of water increased significantly. The brook — together with the channels flowing into it — became the main catchment area of the territory. Recent years have proved how great amount of internal water can appear on the territory of the Great Hungarian Plain. Thus care, maintenance and improvement is still a fundamental objective. In due course of the country planning activity and excavation attention should be turned also towards the historical relics and archaeological sites, such as the 'Turkish bridge' of Békéssámson, the church from the Arpadian age in Kopáncs, the 'Cross of Belez' and the watchman's house at the canal in Rákos street discovered recently. This historical review intends to provide help with the work planned at the main canal of Sámson-Apátfalva.

