A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Historica 3. (Szeged, 2000)

FÁRI Irén – NAGY Ádám: Válogatás korai tiszai képeslapokból

JUHÁSZ Antal 1962. A tiszai hajózás és a super-mesterség. A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Ev­könyve 1960 - 1962. Szeged KÓSA László 1999. Fürdőélet a Monarchiában. Budapest JUHÁSZ Antal (Szerk.) 1996. Mindszent története és népélete. Mindszent PETERCSÁK Tivadar 1994. A képes levelezőlap története. Miskolc PÉTER László 1953. A szegedi halászat múltjából. Délmagyarország dec. 6. 1994. Szőregi délutánok. Budapest KARDOS Imre (Szerk.) 1975. Szeged árvízvédelmi rendszere. Budapest GAÁL Endre (Szerk.) 1991. Szeged története 3. 1849-1919. Szeged SZILÁGYI Miklós 1995. A tiszai halászat. Budapest T. KNOTIK Márta 1999. A Szegedi Hiradó szerkesztőségei, kiadóhivatalai és nyomdái (1959­1925). A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve Irodalom- és Művészettör­téneti Tanulmányok 2. Szeged IRÉN FÁRI AND ÁDÁM NAGY A SELECTION OF EARLIER POSTCARDS OF THE TISZA RIVER Postcard publication in Hungary began in the second half of the 1890s. It became popular quite quickly as in the rest of Europe. The capital city was copied by publishers in the countryside too, especially by local press owners, and paper and book dealers who began publishing cards with pictures. The Tisza River played an important role in the life of Szeged, and the complete devastation of the city by the river in 1879 was the result of faulty river regulation. The image of the city, after it emerged from the ruins, was created not only by the newly built palaces and public institutions, e.g., the museum and the permanent theatre, but also the permanent public road bridge. The two level wharf with the pier on the bank of the Tisza River was also used for flood prevention. An orderly park and promenade were established with resting chairs for rent on the bank of the Tisza. The popularity of postcards coincided with the transformation or the ceasing of some of the traditional industries, e.g., the construction and use of covered wooden ships that were drawn by horses. Their final examples appear on the cards. New forms of recreation developed: first, among the sports, rowing (1870), then river side bathing (1912). The changing role and image of the Tisza River can be followed on the postcards. The ferry at Mindszent, an ancient method of river crossing, is still unchanged today, just as it can be seen on the postcards from 1907. The still operational pontoon bridge at Csongrád is probably unique in all of Europe. Its predecessor was constructed in 1896.

