A Móra Ferenc Múzeum Évkönyve: Studia Ethnographicae 1. (Szeged, 1995)

Kőhegyi Mihály–Nagy Janka Teodóra: Bónis György és társai jogi népszokásgyűjtése Tápén (Forrásközlés)

Bonis György 1943/b Jogtörténet és művelődéstörténet. Magyar Jogi Szemle XXIV. 288-293., 341­346. Bónis György 1948 Népi szemlélet és jogalkotás. Puszták Népe III. 15-23. Bónis György 1956 A népi jogszokáskutatás mérlege. Az MTA Néprajzi Főbizottságában 1956-ban tartott előadás sokszorosított szövege. Börcsök Vince 1971 AJalu közigazgatása, a lakosság jogtudata és jogi szokásai. In: Tápé története és néprajza. (Szerk.: Juhász Antal) Tápé, 243-255. Papp László 1948 Vezérfonal a népi jogélet kutatásához. Budapest Tárkány Szűcs Ernő 1944 Mártély népi jogélete. Kolozsvár Tárkány Szűcs Ernő 1943 A kalotaszegi népi jogéletkutatás. Néprajzi Értesítő XXXV. 253- 254. Tárkány Szűcs Ernő 1948 A népi Jogéletkutatás problémái a Nagy-Alföldön. In: Az Alföldi Tudományos In­tézet Évkönyve. I. Szeged, 302-311. Tárkány Szűcs Ernő 1981 Magyar jogi népszokások. Budapest Bónis György and his Colleague* s Collection of Folk Customs Relating to Law at Tápé (Source publication) I. KŐHEGYI, MIHÁLY and NAGY, JANKA TEODÓRA On István Győrjfy's initiative a research programme of folk customs relating to law was started supported by the Ministry of Justice in the 1930's, in which more than a hundred researches were collecting data at several settlements of the country between 1939 and 1948. György Bonis was one of those who participated in the movement that set the collec­tion of principles and habits of law of common knowledge as its aim. In his articles and studies. He discussed theoretical and methodological problems of the research of folk tra­ditions of law; together with his students he was one of the fieldworkers, and later he was the one to summarise and evaluate the results from the point of view of the history of law. Being the professor of the University of Szeged, he organised fieldwork with his stu­dents between September 1st and October 15th 1948 at Tápé. One portion of this material was used by Vince Börcsök in his summary of the folk customs of law of Tápé, and also Ernő Tárkány Szűcs mentioned some examples from Tápé in his explanations of certain­folk customs of law. The quality and richness of the material, collected by - quoting László Papp - "professional knowledge of a lawyer and methods of an ethnographer", makes it necessary to be published completely, since this source material - similar to which we cannot collect today - can serve as valuable data, and solid base for the research of certain changes. In the first part of our source-publication we publish the first portion (slips 1-137.) of the material stored on 7 sheets, 267 slips and 1 picture under the title "Folk Customs of Law. Tápé. Bónis György and colleagues", registration code EA 2133 after a short sum­mary of the history of research. 249

