Liska András - Szatmári Imre: Sötét idők rejtélyei. 6-11. századi régészeti emlékek a Kárpát-medencében és környékén - Tempora Obscura 3. (Békéscsaba, 2012)

Szalontai Csaba: An earlier unknown hill fort from the vicinity of Csanádpalota

SZALONTAICSABA CSABA SZALONTAI AN EARLIER UNKNOWN HILL FORT FROM THE VICINITY OF CSANÁDPALOTA (Summaryj The article presents a newly found hill fort. In 2005, during the field walks and works of a cultural heritage impact study in the track of Motorway M43 between Makó and the border, remains of a hill fort unknown before was found close to the Romanian border. No archaeological excavation was conducted on the territory of the hill fort, so we can base only upon field observations, aerial photos, maps and detailed geodesic survey of the site. Judging from all these we can speak about an oval hill fort separated from the riverbed. However, the water of the river was obviously led into the ditch of the fort. The hill fort is about 318 long in E-W direction, and 207 m in N-S direction. The width of the ditch could be around 25 m. Today the earthwork and the ditch are rather worn, they can be hardly observed on the site. A large archaeological site in the vicinity of the hill fort includes finds of several periods, among them that of Middle Neolithic, Middle Bronze, Sarmatian (2nd-5th cc.), Late Avarian, Árpád Age and remains of a Late Medieval - Early Modern settlement. The exact date of the hill fort cannot be determined, but in all probability we can put it to the Late Bronze Age or to the Árpád Age. Szalontai Csaba 6121 Szeged, Izabella u. 5. csaba.szalontai@gmail. com 296

