Ván Hajnalka (szerk.): Bepillantás a kintbe. Kolozsváry-Stupler Éva művészete - Munkácsy Mihály Múzeum Közleményei 9. (Békéscsaba, 2017)

Ván Hajnalka: Bepillatnás a kintbe

27 recognizing the fact that art is not a separate universe, but it is still a part and product of our world. In other words, there is no need for a big subject, a big motive, there is no need for anything just the one we call artist. He is the one who realizes the soul, secret poetics and meaning of objects, and through his knowledge, taste and power to create he also makes us realize them. The openness of pop art to simple everyday objects is mainly left by Dadaism. However, there is another source which has affected contemporary art in a prolific way up to these days, and that is surrealism. Surrealism is the art of free imagination. It is the art of representing things suppressed, not spoken or cannot be spoken; the art of giving shape to bizarre, oppressive or, just the opposite, witty associations, dreams, nightmares and pipe dreams. Play Eva Kolosvary’s object-compositions, assem­blages are not connected to the radicalism of avant-garde, but to a certain mild surrealism. Connected to the playfulness of a child, to hav­ing great fun, and to the good spirits of a carnival when you can feel that you can do anything. We can catch the character of a child in the very act of her insisting on objects. In her works, she often features toys, dolls, miniature toy-varieties of ev­eryday objects that were originally made for chil­dren. Her works are delicate pieces of handicraft. They may even be toys in the sense that they set the viewers’ fantasy in motion. And as a child can see a whole universe into the life of empty boxes, cubes and wooden figures, you can happily be lost in Eva’s objects. In addition to the joy of play, there lies sadness, though. The charm and sad­ness of her objects are lent by the fact that these objects were saved from garbage. Not only re­interpreted, but revived objects. Thus, eventually, they are about the joy of life. They do not tell the age of their creator. They do not tell Eva’s eighty years, but we can feel the artist’s love of life, wis­dom, artistic sensitivity and thousands of years of artistic expressiveness. They beam not with the decades she has lived, but with the forever vivid experience of millennia humanity has had.

