N. Varga Éva, Szatmári Imre szerk.: A Békés Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 32 (Békéscsaba, Békés Megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága, 2008)

Németh Csaba: A gyulai evangélikus gyülekezet élete az 1930-as években

The life of the evangelical congregation of Gyula in the 1930s - Csaba Németh ­Resume Owing to his uncomplying position showed against the reversals (the letters of mutual concessions), Károly Tátrai pastor came into conflict with the board of the congregation in 1930. The strong contrasts of differences embroiled the parish to the edge of disintegration. The issue could be remedied only with a change of pastor. In the middle of December 1932, the pastor changed with his colleague of Csorvás, in this way got Mihály Rohály to Gyula. His service concurs with the golden age of our fold. By repaying a great part of church and parsonage building loans, the financial situation of the parish became stable, and in 1938, they could undertake to erect the church town. He managed to place an assistant minister here. The religious life occasions grew uninterruptedly, as well as their attendance and also the number of persons having Lord's Supper increased. The evangelical communion of Gyula became an honored member of the town. The Women's Club {Nőegylet) for aiding the impecunious schoolchildren became worthy of also the acknowledgement from the Ministry of Religion and Public Education. Rohály' s work was taken notice also in the neighbor, and in summer of 1939, he was asked to be a pastor in Békéscsaba. While in 1941, he was chosen to be the rural dean of the see. In his place István Benkő - an assistant minister being in service in Gyula formerly - was appointed, who spoke in Finnish excellently and put the emphasis on Finnish connection. Németh Csaba Erkel Ferenc Múzeum H-5700 Gyula, Kossuth u. 17. E-mail: nemcsab@mailbox. hu

