A Békés Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 28. (Békéscsaba, 2006)

Kertész Éva: Vegetation of the „Kígyós-puszta”

A szabadkígyósi Kígyósi-puszta növényzete RÉTHY 1976 Réthy Zs.: A szabadkígyósi puszta és környékének értékei. BMTÉ, 1. (1976) 131-145. TÓTH 1985 Tóth A.: Degradálódó hortobágyi löszgyepek reliktum foltjainak szünökoló­giai viszonyai. Tudományos Kutatások a Hortobágyi Nemzeti Parkban. Deb­recen, 1985. 76-85. Vegetation of the „Kígyós-puszta" - Éva Kertész ­Resume The „Kígyós puszta"- landscape protection area - is located in the Southern Trans-Tisza region between two cities: Szabadkígyós and Ketegyháza. The steppes in Szabadkígyós and Ketegyháza are home to one of the last watery pusztas in the Southern Trans-Tisza region. Several types of salty (alkaline)-, meadow- and chernozem soils can be found around this area. The riverbanks connected to the deserted riverbeds of Maros are created by the accumulating activity of the formal water content. The present alkaline microforms mostly originated from the superficial erosion of the water. Loess steppes, alkali steppes extend along the riverbanks that are connected to the riverbeds. Marshlands and reeds are surrounded by alkali clearings. Though the characteristics of the steppes are the alkali appearances. The present study describes the habitats of „Kígyós puszta" in detail, including: marshlands, large sedge communities, alkaline lawns, loess steppes, steppe fields, alkali woodland clearings, oak-, ash- and elm-parks. The habitat map of the forests and lawns of the landscape protection area highlights the present natural conditions. Kertész Éva Munkácsy Mihály Múzeum H-5600 Békéscsaba, Széchenyi u. 9. E-mail: kertesz@bmmi.hu 33

