Papp Gábor: A magyar topografikus és leíró ásványtan története (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 7. Miskolc, 2002)

VI. ÚJ SZINTÉZISEK FELÉ? (az 1980-as évek közepe óta eltelt időszak)

CHRONOLOGY OF THE HISTORY OF MINERALOGY IN HUNGARY MS: book, longer study or paper §J: periodical, shorter paper in ajournai, part of a book ËÛ: education, educational institution ^fflj: museum, collection (D: institute, society, etc. *Remark: The present-day equivalents of the starred place names are given in "I. Mutató" (Index I). Around 1150: ^ The first record on the collecting of geological rarities in Hungary. Around 1200: sS Anonymus: Gesta Hungarorum.. Chronicle with a note on Transylva­nian salt-mining and gold-wash ing. 1490: mS Ransanus, Pietro: Epithoma rerum Hungararum (manuscript). One of the first humanist descriptions of Hungary, listing mining sites and mineralogical rari­ties as well. 16 th century: ^ The first records on precious or curious minerals from rarity chambers of the aristocracy of Hungary. 1530-56: JSS Agricola's books on mining and mineralogy, with several data related to Hungary. 1536: MS Oláh, Miklós: Hungária (manuscript). The first humanist description of Hun­gary by a Hungarian 1 author (with notes on mines and minerals of the coun­try). 1549: MS Wernher, Georg: De admirandis Hungáriáé aquis hypomnemation (Basel). One of the first natural history books by a Hungarian author (with sections related to mineralogy). 1617: MS Szepsi Csombor, Márton: Disputatio physica de metallis (Danzig [Gdansk]). One of the first natural history thesis collection (dissertation) containing min­eralogical data as well, written by a Hungarian student. Middle of the 17 th century: ^fg, The first records on natural history (among them minera­logical) collections of Hungarian naturalists. 1653: MS Apáczai Csere, János: Magyar Encyclopaedia (Utrecht). The first encyclo­paedic book in Hungarian containing a chapter devoted to mineralogy. 1660: MS A manuscript on the goldsmith's craft by Péter W. Kecskeméti, written in Hungarian, with a chapter on gemstones. 1664-65: MS Kircher, Athanasius: Mundus subterraneus (Amsterdam). An early "geological" monograph, among others with mineralogical reports from Hun­gary. 1667: MS Pósaházi, János: Philosophia naturalis etc. (Sárospatak). The first textbook of physics (with chapters on mineralogy) by a Hungarian author. Until the end of the 1700s, elements of mineralogy were included in the education of (special) physics {physica specialis or particularis). ' Hungarian author = author with Hungarian residence, not necessarily an ethnic Hungarian.

