Szakáll Sándor - Jánosi Melinda: Minerals of Hungary (Topographia Mineralogica Hungariae 4. Miskolc, 1996)

last century, when extensive opencast mining started, highly mechanised mass-production of iron ores was established which came to a halt only quite recently at the beginning of the 1980's. The Rudabánya iron ore deposit is, as far as minerals are concerned, one of Hungary's richest localities - about 100 different species have been identified. Primary minerals are linked to a sparry iron ore consisting of the carbonates: siderite, dolomite and calcite together with smaller amounts of galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, and chalcocite. Larger amounts of galena and sphalerite are usually found near barite-rich zones (border-barite). As a result of the weathering and decay of the original ore, a host of secondary minerals

