Gyulai Éva - Viga Gyula (szerk.): Történet - muzeológia : Tanulmányok a múzeumi tudományok köréből a 60 éves Veres László tiszteletére (Miskolc, 2010)

MEDIEVISZTIKA - Havassy Péter: Borsod vármegye 14-15. századi nádori közgyűlései

TÖRÖK Pál 1907 A nemesi vármegye megalakulása. Kolozsvár The palatine assembly of the 14th-15th century in County Borsod Following the scattered instances of assemblies held in the Árpádian Age, one good example of which can be quoted from County Borsod, when the Palatine Roland held a congregatio for the county's nobles, the institution of assemblies convened by the Palatine flourished during the Angevin period, especially under King Louis the Great. The assemblies were not convened during the interregnum, and it is not mere chance that it was revived by King Charles Robert: the so-called generalis inquisitio, the annual public courts held by the Gran Giustiziere, the kingdom's Chief Justice in the major towns, was a general practice in the Kingdom of Naples, where he came from. Even though the Palatine Dózsa Debreceni had held assemblies (1321-1322), assemblies were only held on a regular basis during the governorship of the Drugeths (1322-1342), who - incidentally ­also came from Naples. The Palatine convened the assemblies on the King's behalf, based on the King's mandate. His authority only extended to Hungary proper because the Transylvanian voevod, the Croatian­Slavonian bán and the Macsó bán held the congregatio in their own territories. Even so, the Palatine was often unable to fulfil this task alone, and the King often appointed the Judge Royal or, more rarely, the Master of the Treasury or some other high-ranking royal official, or the county's ispán to deputise the Palatine (the Judge Royal Simon Rozgonyi in 1409, the Judge Royal Mátyus Pálóci in 1429, the Judge Royal László Pálóci in 1466, and Mátyus Pálóci, the ispán (comes) of Borsod, in 1409 to assist the Judge Royal). In many cases, the Palatine was deputised by the Vice-Palatine: in 1351, for example, Vice-Palatine Dezső Poki deputised for the Palatine Miklós Zsámboki. After receiving the royal order, the Palatine drew up his travel plans and notified the counties to make the necessary preparations for convening the assembly and announcing the event. The customary mode of announcement was the proclamation of the event at fairs. In 1437, for example, the order of the proclamation in County Borsod was the following: it was announced in Rudabánya on September 16, the next day in Szendrő, and in Edelény on September 19. At the beginning of his reign. King Louis the Great abolished the practice that the Palatine administered justice at his country manor-houses, and thus the Palatine could devote more time to holding a congregatio, and to hold an assembly for two neighbouring counties. Regular "pairs" of this type emerged, especially in Hungary's northern and eastern regions. For example, Counties Hont and Nógrád, and Nyitra and Trencsén regularly held their assemblies jointly. According to the documentary evidence, County Borsod held its palatine assembly jointly with County Torna three times, with County Heves two times and with County Gömör once. The main purpose of the palatine assembly was the search for criminals and notorious malefactors (puplici malejact ores), their hounding and, finally, their extermination. The second main goal was the identification and recovery of the royal and reginai properties (celatores iuris regii): the King appointed procurators (procurator et syndicus generalis specialis) to assist the Palatine. The third function of the palatine assembly was to administer justice in civic and criminal cases. One of the King's concerns was that the litigants should not have to travel to the royal curia, often lying far from their home town; the Palatine was required to make a round of the kingdom on a regular basis and hold assize courts, meaning that the most frequent cases heard at the assemblies were of the "ordinary" type. Litigations concerning estates, disputes over ferries and tolls, matters 335

