A Miskolci Herman Ottó Múzeum Közleményei 7. (Miskolc, 1966)

CONTENTS This copy gives an account of the work and life of the great Hungarian scientist, Ottó Herman pub­lishing a photo hitherto unknown. In the field of archeology our treatise deals with the axes of the bronze-age and sums up the impor­tant finds. Then the Aldhelmus-fragment discovered in one of our scientific libraries is made known. The dis­covery of th;s codex-fragment is an event in our scientific life. The fragment was used by the binder to fasten the cover of the book. _ We publish three studies in the topography of Miskolc based on original research-work. One of them- raises problems considering the Nova Civitas developed in the XV. century and built by the hospes-dwellers. The second is about the statue of Louis Kossuth in Miskolc erected first in the Austro —Hungarian Monarchy. The third shows the latent architectural designs of the Fáy-house which survive'd in the Baroque period and was pulled down early this century. The fortress of .Szendrő played an important role in the history of our country. This treatise discloses a number of new data. Our next article describes-the permanent arche­ological. etnographical and historical exhibition in the-Museum with four photos of the exhibition. Two etnographical papers deal with the relics of^ Miskolc and Sajóvelezd. In the first we get aquain-'~ ted with the guildchest of the tanners and cobblers; in the feecond with- the making of the willow-horn' carved by sheperds. Then a sketch is. given of the gallery belonging to the Museum with four photos of outstanding paintings. ' In thefollowing article some problems of research­worH? are liaised and cleared up by concrete" results. An etnographical youth-club is working in the Földes Ferenc Gymnasium under the name of. Gyula Istvánffy, the great folklore-collector of Borsod­county. The leader of the club informs us about the successful collecting and research work the mem­bers had. made. The Club of Museum-friends has a wide network of assistants. -Many local groups, e. g. the fhuseum­friedns in Ózd, the industrial town are doing a fine work with the organisation of expositions. . In Memóriám. Three of our enthusiastic research­workers departed in the latest months: Andor Leszih retired director of the Museum, Géza Megay muse-' ologist, Mrs. J. Dajaszászi the tireless collector of Matyó-art. Necrologs given.' The copy ends with a bookreview. Felelős szerkesztő: KOMÁROMY JÓZSEF Kiadja a Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc Színes fedőlapunk a miskolci, Szabadság téri Kossuth-szobrot ábrázolja. Borsod megyei Nyomdaipari V., Miskolc. F. v.: Méry Gy. 9S6 — 876 — 700 példány

