A Miskolci Herman Ottó Múzeum Közleményei 5. (Miskolc, 1963)

CONTENTS In this number a short account appeared about the renovation of the Herman Otto Museum, an art memorial, in Miskolc. Some parts of the buil­ding are nearly 400 years old and have been used for school formerly. The cottage in Lillafüred was renovated as well where the great Hungarian natural scientist, Herman Otto, had been living in the first decade of the century. In the cottage a memorial mu­seum is being arranged showing an exhibition of the fauna and flore in the Bükk-mountains. At the scientific session of the Museum the tasks of the museums belonging to the county­organisation have been decided. The director of the Museum gave a report on the general con­dition of the institutions and showed the way of development in great outlines. The archeological, folkloristic, historical and artistic tasks were discussed by the co-workers. The reports of the collecting work by the folk­lore and -homeland-clubs working in several schools aroused a great interest. Three articles (pp. 44, 48 and 66) provide new historical data concerning the history of Miskolc. The first one publishes the building plan of the market-place in the medieval town according to the designs of XVII —XVIII. century as found in the archives. The second article publishes the technical designs hitherto unknown, of the county-search in Miskolc, an art relic and explains the exact situation, the outside and inside-ground-plan of the Baroque building a predecessor of the pre­sent classicistic edifice, an art memorial from the XIX. century. The design of a prison has tur­ned up as the result of the author's research work and the author published the designs from 1836 the first time. Two pieces of a map from N 1817 and from the cadaster in 1860 show the phases of the pulling down the Baroque building and the raising of the classicistic edifice. Two contemporary photos (1902) turned up which record the breaking down of the building that had survived from the Baroque period. The photo from 1955 shows the building in its pre­sent state. The third communication that concerns the history of the town, a leaflet from the labour­movement, deals with the contents and hiding of this document in the wall of the National Bank. It points out, that the lines written in pencil on the back-page of the leaflet reveal the names of the two leading persons in the move­ment, who according to the message left behind, requested: ,,If found, take care of these two sacred names, Amen".

