Szabadfalvi József szerk.: Néprajzi tanulmányok a Zempléni-hegyvidékről (A miskolci Herman Ottó Múzeum néprajzi kiadványai 10. Miskolc, 1965)

Barna Gábor: A hiedelmek alakjai a zempléni-hegység falvaiban

the other hand is rich. The known dead-viervers of the surroundings in Bekecs, Miskolc, Hejőcsaba, Putnok, Erdőbénye strengthened its popularity. The circle of the supernatural figures is rather large. One of the most lively part of it is attached to the belief in the ghost and the magical acts in coordance with it. Some of the ghosts frighten people in the forest, some others lead away those going on the roads. Nora, another wellknown creature of the beliefs, shows similarities to the vampires. It is one of the most often mentioned belief figures of the examined territory. The lidérc (hobgoblin) carries money, food, and many other things to its master. It is in close link with the fire man, the fire engineer. Luca, the seventh child and the red caps (dwarfs) are less important figures. We can show the one time influence of foreign ethnic groups (Slovakian, Ruthenian). Its best example is the intensity of the nora- and the ghosf-beliefs, as well as the knowledge of Luca. On the other hand the táltos figure of the Hungarian territories is unknown, and the learned man occures rarely too. The Slovakian names of some figures also underline the outer influences. Gábor Barna 205

