A Herman Ottó Múzeum évkönyve 47. (2008)

B. Hellebrandt Magdolna: Rézkori élet nyomai Mezőkeresztes, Novajidrány és Muhi lelőhelyeken

Sz. Máthé Márta 1972 Újabb adatok a korai rézkor időrendjéhez (A hajdúszoboszlói temető). (On the Chronology of the Copper Age Early Copper Age Cemetery in Hajdúszoboszló). A debreceni Déri Múzeum Évkönyve. 141-148. Nováki Gyula-Sárközy Sebestyén-Feld István 2007 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye várai az őskortól a kuruc korig. Magyarország várainak topográfiája 1. Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye régészeti emlékei 5. Szerk. Sárközy Sebestyén. Budapest-Miskolc Patay Pál 1961 A bodrogkeresztúri kultúra temetői. (Die Gräberfeld der Bodrogkeresztúr Kultur). Régészeti Füzetek II. 10. Budapest 1970 A javarézkor néhány etnikai és időrendi kérdéséről. (Some ethnical and chro­nological problems of the middle copper age). FA 21. 7-26. 1973 Die hochkupferzeitliche Bodrogkeresztur-Kultur. BRGK 1974. 1977 Das kupferzeitliche Gräberfeld von Tiszavalk-Kenderföld. Fontes Archaeo­logici Hungáriáé. Budapest 1979 A tiszavalk-tetesi rézkori temető és telep. II. (Kupferzeitliches Gräberfeld und Siedlung von Tiszavalk-Tetes). FAXXX. 27-53. 2002 Eine besondere Gefaßgattung der Hochkupferzeit. ANODOS. Studies of the Ancient World. In Honour of Maria Novotná. Trnava. 2/2002. 235-243. Raczky Pál 1995 New data on the absolute chronology of the Copper Age in the Carpathian Basin. 51-60. In: Neuere daten zur Siedlungsgeschichte und Chronologie der Kupferzeit des Karpatenbeckens. Edit.: Tibor Kovács. Budapest COPPER AGE SITES AT MEZŐKERESZTES, NOVAJIDRÁNY AND MUHI Mezőkeresztes Two Copper age burials were uncovered at Site 12, a slightly raised ridge between the Sály and Kacs streambeds south of Mezőkeresztes during the construction of the County Borsod-Abaúj­Zemplén section of the M3 Motorway. Grave 1 (Fig. 3, Fig. 4. I) lay at a depth of -61 cm and contained a west to east oriented inhumation burial with the deceased laid on the left side in a contracted position. Grave 2 (Fig. 4. 2) was a disturbed inhumation burial lying at a depth of -68 cm, of which only skull fragments survived. The soilmark indicating the grave was south-west to north-east oriented. Both soilmarks were oblong, measuring 149 cm by 98 cm and 150 cm by 105 cm respectively. Grave 1 contained a large bowl (Fig. 5), whose counterparts are known from Tiszabábolna (HELLEBRANDT-PATAY 1977, Pl. V. 1) and Tiszavalk-Tetes (PATAY 1979, Fig. 11.31, 38). The latter two sites have been dated to the Tiszapolgár-Bodrogkeresztúr transition. A comparable bowl, part of an assemblage recovered from a sacrificial pit at Füzesabony, was assigned to the Ludanice group (Sz. KÁLLAY 1990, 38). The west to east orientation of the burials is one of the distinctive features of Period II at Polgár-Basatanya (PATAY 1970, 11). and has been observed at Tiszabábolna, Tiszavalk, Mezőkeresztes-Csincsetanya and Ernőd too (HELLEBRANDT-PATAY 1977, 51), leading Patay to conclude that that the burial practices of the tribes living in the Middle Tisza region and the Sajó river mouth area apparently differed frjom the general pattern (PATAY 1970, 11, 12). Grave 2 contained a skull only, either because the skeleton had been destroyed by ploughing, or because

