A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 35-36. (1997)

FARAGÓ Tamás: Vándormozgalmak Miskolcon a 18. században a tanúvallomások tükrében

MIGRATION MOVEMENTS IN MISKOLC AS SEEN BY INTERROGATIONS DURING THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY The author presents seventeen narrative sources related to migration from the Archive of the city of Miskolc and county Borsod. The selection tries to represent different types of population movements during the einhteenth century: fugitive rebel (no. 1). serf peasant (no. 10) and private (no. 9), tramping showman (no. 5) and journeyman (no 14), temporary moving because of commerce and trade (no 11-13), organized escape (no. 7-8), temporary migrants leaving for study (no. 3-4) and voluntary career migration of artisans and merchants, individuals and families (no. 2, 6, 15-17). Tamás Faragó 254

