A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 24. (1986)
CONTENTS MEMORIAL SESSION ON THE 150 th ANNIVERSARY OF OTTO HERMAN'S BIRTH ZOLTÁN UJVÁRY: Presidential opening speech 11 SÁNDOR BÖKÖNYI: Otto Herman, as a scientist of natural science 13 IVÁN BALASSA: Otto Herman, as a scientist of ethnography 17 FERENC FÜLEP: l Otto Herman, as an archeologist 31 JÓZSEF SZABADFALVI: Otto Herman's public activity 37 IMRE KOZÁK: Inauguration speech at Otto Herman's memorial tablet 43 HISTORICAL, LITERARY AND ARTHISTORICAL STUDIES: ISTVÁN UDVARI: Data from County Zemplén relating to the „kveszta" from the 18th century 45 MIKLÓS KAMODY: Data relating to the history of the post-station in Bartfa and Bath of Bártfa (Hungary) 55 LÁSZLÓ VERES: History of typography in Miskolc. Part 2. Printing shop of Lajos Csöglei Tóth 65 ISTVÁN DOBROSSY-GYULA IGLÓI: Buildings of the crown-domain in Miskolc at the beginning of the 19th century. Part 2 77 ISTVÁN B. KOVÁCS: Morality and maintaining of discipline in the Church of Felsővály before the deliberation of bondmen 99 JÁNOS HUGYECZ: Contribution to Bertalan Szemere 's commissionary activity 113 JÓZSEF FALUSSY: An attempt to hinder the advance of the Russian head-forces in July 1849 123 BÉLA BAKONYI: Data to the past of the boot-maker industry in Abaújszántó 139 JÓZSEF TÚRY: History of the Miskolci Gőztéglagyár RT (Stone-pot and Stove Works) 153 JÁNOS SZULOVSZKY: The state of the ceramic industry in County Gömör in the year 1891 161 PÉTER FARKAS: The epistles of Ferenc Kazinczy 167 ÁGNES GYÁRFÁS: Péter Bárány, a forgotten literátor from circle of enlightement (illumination) 187 IMRE TAGAI: The revolution of visuality by Cézanne and the avantgárdé 199 GERTRÚD GODA: Oncle Mándoki - an unknown drawing of István Dési Huber... 213 9