A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 22-23. (1985)
CONTENTS KATALIN SIMÁN: Paleolit finds in Sajószentpéter 9 MAGDOLNA B. HELLEBRANDT: Copper age finds from Tiszadorogma , 21 JUDIT S. KOÓS: Szkita age coper mirror from Kisgyőr 29 ISTVÁN GEDAI: Polish coins and money in Hungary from the XVI-XVII. century 37 LÁSZLÓ ZSÁMBOKI: Minter training in Hungary in the XVIII. century 51 ISTVÁN FELD: Amadé castle in Gönc 59 MÁRIA L. WOLF-KATALIN SIMÁN: The rescue of finds and excavations of Museum Ottó Herman in 1983 75 PÉTER TÓTH: Data for Árpád age Borsod county' s property and estate history and its geographical history 89 ELEMÉR B. BARTUS: Historical data of town Miskolc's garden culture 105 JÓZSEF FALUSSY: The change of political view of a rural weekly paper „TokajHegyalja" in 1914 11 5 GYÖRGYI NÉMETH: The number ten honvédek (Hungarian soldiers) and the „honvéd number ten" in 1917-18 131 VARGÁNÉ IRÉN ZALÁN: The musical life of Miskolc between the two World Wars (The III. Final publication) 149 IRÉN FÁRI-MIHÁLY KŐHEGYI: Ottó Herman's expert's opinion on a natural scientific collection offerd to Szeged 175 LAJOS VÉGVÁRI: Manet died 100 years ago 189 MIKLÓS LOSONCI: György Ruttkay, activist painter's life-work 207 ÉVA VERONIKA HUSEBY: Social antropology - in connection with the Cserépfalu research. (The criterion of identity in the economical structure) 233 PÉTER FARBAKY: Settlement history and folk architecture of Mezőcsát and Ároktő 247 GYULA VIGA: Fruit production and trading in Bükkalja 285