A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 1. (1957)

KOREK József: A vadnai neolitikus sírlelet

24 KOREK JÓZSEF тек kevertsége azt mutatja, hogy a három kultúra párhuzamosan él egymás mellett és díszítő sajátságában az egyes formák a vonaldíszes kerámia stílusjegyeit hosszú időn át megőrzik még akkor is, mikor a textilstílus már egyes formákon tért hódított. KOREK JÓZSEF THE NEOLITIC BURIAL-FINDS AT VADNA The author makes known the burials and their supplements excavated in the recent years. They all turned up in north —east Hungary. 1. Vadna. Settlement and graveyard. Shrivelled burial. Its finds are pots. (I. t. 1—5, 8). The finds show the features of Bükk and lineaer style. The two elements of style appear mixedly. The burial of the deeased took place at tihe settlement. 2. Tiszabercel. A shrivelled burial. Direction East; —west, its supplement is a pot (III. it. 1). The burial also happened at the settlement. The Bükk and linear decora­tive elements appear mixedly. 3. Mályinka. Burial with three pots as supplement. (III. t). 4. Ongu. Burial with pots as supplements. The material of the settlement clearly shows Bükk-eulture. <OI. t.). 5. Nagykálló. Settlement and burial. The supplements of the burial are painted pots and shell-jewels. i(IV. t. 1—3). The material found here displays the character of Bükk and partly of painted pottery. (V. t. 1—10.) 6. Megyaszó. Settlement and burial dug in the settlement. Mr. F. Tompa classes them to the sphere of Bükk culture. Out of the four shrivelled burials only one has a supplement: a pearl. 7. Kőlyuk II. cavern. Settlement in cave, two shrivelled skeletons in it. 8. Egyek. Settlement with two shrivelled burials. 9. Folyás—Szilmeg. Five shrivelled burials with skeletons containing no supple­ment came to the surface on the settlement of linear pottery. 10. Tiszavasvári. On two different finding places 14 shrivelled burials were dis­covered which may be listed to the Bukik cultural circle. 11. Abaújdevecser. The „Herman Ottó" Museum at Miskolc preserves a pot pro­bably originating from a burial. (V. t. 11—a, b.) These finds come from the large territory of the Bükk-culture and unite the peculiarities of more styles. The way of burial is always shrivelling, the interment of the deseased took place at the settlement every time. | The author criticises the periodisation of F. Tompa in connection with the Bükk culture. In the Highland he observes the appearance of five neolitic cultures. They are: the Körös culture, the Tisza culture, the culture of linear pottery, the Bükk culture and the Herpály culture. The Körös and Herpály culture stand alone. The closest touch exists between the culture of linear pottery and those of the Bükk and Tisza. Ida B. Kutzian also found the shards of Bükk culture in the linear orna­mented material at Folyás—Szilmeg in I960. The researches altered the view that the boundary of linear pottery streches as far as the Danube. The author knows 102 finding places East of the Danube. The centre of the settlement is the middle area of Trans —Tisza. Most frequently occurs along the tributaries of Middle —Tisza. According to the researches of N. Kalitz the places of discovery of linear pottery may be found in Tiszazug, the Tisza culture appears only with scattered pieces on these fields. In the neighbourhood of Szolnok however linear pottery is mixed up with the style of Tisza culture. In the vicinity of Hódmezővásárhely a mingling may be experienced 'between the two cultures. In consequence of all these the author considers linear pottery simultaneous with Tisza culture.

