Gál Éva szerk.: A Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve 53. (2008-2015) (Pécs, 2015)

NÉPRAJZ - KÉPZŐ- ÉS IPARMŰVÉSZET - Kovács Orsolya: Az 1906-os milánói kiállításra készült váza a Janus Pannonius Múzeum Zsolnay gyűjteményében

300 A Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve (2015) Irodalom A milánói... 1906: A milánói magyar iparművészeti csoportnak újjászületése. - In.: Magyar Iparművészet Budapest, 9: 282. Csenkey E. 2013: Műleírás. Virág Judit Galéria és Aukciósház katalógusa. - Budapest, 2013. december ÉpItö Ipar 31.1906: A milánói kiállítás égése. - Építő Ipar, Budapest, 31: 285. Építő Ipar 33. 1906: Híradás a milánói kiállításról. - Építő Ipar, Budapest, 33: 300. Geller K. 2005: Orfeusz és Kasszandra. - In.: Ars Hungarica, Budapest, 1: 89-109. Györgyi K. 1906: Az iparművészet a milánói kiállításon. - In.: Magyar Iparművészet, Budapest, 9: 163-220. La Perseveranza. .. 1906: „ La Perseveranza all Esposizione del 1906.” - In.: Magyar Iparművészet, Budapest, 9: 222-223. Maróti G. 2002: Önéletrajz. Budapest, 13. p. Mendöl Zs. 1984: A Zsolnay gyárban készült kerámia közkutak, szökőkutak. - A Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve, Pécs, (1983) 28: 329-352. Nikelszky G. 1958: A Zsolnay gyár művészete. - Pécs, 86 p. Rövidítések: MNL-BML Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Baranya Megyei Levéltára The vase manufactured for World Expo 1906 Milan in the Zsolnay collection of Janus Pannonius Museum Orsolya Kovács The large pyrogranite vase, presented at the auction of Judit Virág Gallery in December 2013 was purchased for the Zsolnay Collection of Janus Pannonius Museum by the Mayor's Office of the Municipality of Pécs. The vase was designed by Sándor Apáti Abt, listed as form No 7493 in the forms inventory. It stands out from its surround­ings both with its unusually big size (height: 109cm, diameter: 47cm), and with its manufacturing technique - it is an object of eosin technique pyrogranite. One specimen of this pyrogranite flower dish was present in the Hungarian pavilion of World's Fair Milan in 1906. The exposition pavilion was designed by Géza Maróti. This conspicuous piece of Zsolnay ceramics had an important role in forming the bean­shaped ceremonial hall of the Hungarian pavilion. The lowermost segment of the walls was covered with tiles of iridescent eosin technique with a golden tint, while in the cen­tre stood the “Well with Duck”, illuminated by a round skylight. The pyrogranite vase featuring a tree stump with a canopy, embraced by five neoclassical female nude figures or Graces was exhibited in the neighbouring “Yard with Pigeon”. The Hungarian pavilion of the Milan Word Expo burned down in August 1906, call­ing for complete reconstruction. In the new exhibition a separate room was devoted to the “relics” that survived with the raging fire, and due to the offer by Miklós Zsolnay, the representation of Zsolnay ceramics increased. Based on the description and photo­graphs published in the journal Magyar Iparművészet (“Hungarian Applied Arts”) it can be retraced that Apáti Abt's re-manufactured pyrogranite vase was on display in one of the “reading rooms”. The assumptions presented in the auction catalogue of the Judit Virág Gallery, namely that this object is actually one that survived the fire, is not sup­ported either by the former fact or the fire cracks seen on the bottom of the vase. The provenience of the vase is unknown, but its other damages, too, suggest that it could be a duplicate specimen with fire cracks, which, along with many other pieces of ceramics, must have found its way out of one of the storage rooms of the factory under unknown circumstances after the collectivisation in 1948.

