Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve 46-47 (2001-2002) (Pécs, 2003)

Természettudományok - Körmendi Sándor: New data to the knowledge of the zooplankton fauna of Baláta (Southwest Hungary)

Körmendi Sándor: Ujabb adatok a Baláta-tó zoomplankton faunájának ismeretéhez 11 Irodalom Borhidi, A. - Járai-Komlódi, M. (1959): Die Vegetation des Baláta-Sees. Acta Bot. Scient. Hung. 5: 259-320. Felföldy, L. (1987): A biológiai vízminősítés. VGI, Vízügyi Hidrobiológia 16. 258 pp. Forró, L. (1995): Adatok a Dél-Dunántúl Cladocera és Copepoda faunájának ismeretéhez. Dunántúli Dolg. Term.tud. Sorozat,8:21-24. Kasza, E, Marián, M. (2001): A Baláta-láp és gerinces állatvilága, különös tekintettel a madarakra. Natura Somogyiensis 2. 98 pp. Körmendi, S. (2001): Zooplankton vizsgálatok a Baláta tó különböző élőhelyein. Hidrológiai Közlöny 5-6: 399­400. Marián, M. (1957): A Baláta gerinces állatvilága. Somogyi Almanach I: 1-60. Megyeri, J. (1965): Adatok a Baláta-tó vízifaunájának ismeretéhez. Szegedi Tanárképző Főiskola Tud. Közleményei 2:105-114. New data to the knowledge of the Zooplankton fauna of Baláta, Southwest Hungary Sándor Körmendi In 2001-2002 qualitative Zooplankton samples were col­lected at Baláta 14 occasions. Samples were taken pela­gial and littoral zones. Altogether 26 taxa (12 Rotatoria, 9 Cladocera, 5 Copepoda) were recorded int he open water of Baláta, 47 taxa (28 Rotatoria, 17 Cladocera, 2 Copepoda were recorded int he reedy and boggy and only 19 taxa (11 Rotatoria, 6 Cladocera, 2 Copepoda) were collected in the moor shrubbery and alders. Composition of the Zooplankton were changed consider­ably because 13 new taxa were determined and 14 taxa were not succesfully collected from different water bod­ies. Most of occured species are characterized by cosmopoli­tan and well-adaptable species. Most of occured species indicate eutrophic and béta-alfa-mesosaprobic water quality. Only few species can be characterized as typical moor species: Platyias quadricornis, Trichocerca weberi, Bunops serricaudata. Author's address: Sándor Körmendi University of Kaposvár Ecological Workteam H-7400 Kaposvár Guba S. str. 40.

