Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve 38 (1993) (Pécs, 1994)

Régészet - Nagy Erzsébet: V. századi népvándorláskori sírok Pécs–Málom lelőhelyen

99 PÂRDUCZ 1963.: PÁRDUCZ M.: Ujabb hunkori leletek Cson­grád megyében. Neue hunnenzeitliche Funde im Komitat Csongrád. MFMÉ 1968. 27-33. RUPRECHTSBERGER 1991.: E. M. RUPRECHTSBERGER: Das spätantike Gräberfeld von Lentia/Linz. In: K. WlLTSCHKE-SCHROTTA - M. TESCH­LER-NlCOLA: Das spätantike Gräberfeld von Lentia/Linz. Linzer Archäologische Forschungen 19., Linz 1991. SALAMON 1970.: Á. SALAMON: Môzs. Mitt. Arch. Inst. 1. 1970. 148-149. SALAMON-BARKÓCZI 1971.: Á. SALAMON-L. BARKÓCZI: Bestattungen von Csákvár aus dem Ende des 4. und dem Anfang des 5. Jahrhunderts. Alba Regia 11. 1970. (1971) 35-77. SALAMON-BARKÓCZI 1980.: Á. SALAMON - L. BARKÓCZI: Archäolo­gische Angaben zur spätrömischen Periodi­sation Pannoniens (376-476). Mitt. Arch. Inst. 8/9. 1978/79. 1980. 75-84. SALAMON-BARKÓCZI 1982.: Á. SALAMON - L. BARKÓCZI: Pannonién in nachvalentianischer Zeit (376-476). Sev­erin zwischen Römerzeit und Völkerwander­ung, Linz, 1982. 147-178. SALAMON - LENGYEL 1980.: Á. SALAMON - I. LENGYEL: Kinship interrelations in a fifth-century 'Pannonian' cemetery: an archaeological and palaeobiolo­gical sketch of the population fragment buried in the Mözs cemetery, Hungary. World Archaeology, 12/1. 1980. 93-104. SZÁLAI 1993.: SZÁLAI F.: A Pécs-Málom és a Zsibót-Do­molospuszta lelőhelyeken feltárt koranépvándorláskori temetkezések antropo­lógiai vizsgálata. JPMÉ 38. 1993. 89-100. VÁGÓ-BÓNA 1976.: E. B. VÁGÓ - I. BONA: Die Gräberfelder von Intercisa I. Der spätrömische Südost­friedhof. Budapest. 1976. Graves from the 5th century in Pécs-Málom Erzsébet NAGY In 1992 five graves lying in W-E direction were exca­vated in area of Pécs-Málom (South Hungary). Male graves: a bone double sided fine-tooth comb was found in grave 2 and a crescent-shaped silver earring in grave 3. There were iron buckles in both graves, in grave 3 two iron knives were found. Female and child's graves: a bronze aerring with small octagonal pendant and a double sided fine-tooth comb appeared in grave 5. An iron knife and an iron buckle were found in grave 1. The child's grave 4 was without grave-goods. Artificial deformed skulls appeared in graves 1 and 3. The excavated area of the Pécs-Málom cemetery is difficult to dating we can say that it was used as a burial ground in the first half of the 5 th century. The archaeological finds were registered under Inv. nos N. 92.2.1-10. in the Catalogue of the Archaelogical Department of the Janus Pannonius Museum in Pécs, Hungary. The skeletal material was registered under Inv. nos 92.1.1-5. in the Anthropological Collection of the same museum.

