Janus Pannonius Múzeum Évkönyve 19 (1974) (Pécs, 1977)

Régészet - Kiss, Attila: Some Archaeological Finds of the Avar Period in County Baranya

142 ATTILA KISS termined by N. Nemeskéri in 1949) in extended supine position. Skull tilted to the right, right forearm beside the ilium, the bones of the left fo­rearm, bent outwards, at about 45 angles to the humerus. Wooden bucket (?) between the skull and the head-end of the grave, 15 cm away from the skull ; H : about 30 cm ; the upper part of the ves­sel was decorated with bronze strips. Plate globe­pendant of a gold earring (Fig. 15.), on the right side of the skull. In the grave there were the skeleton of a cow, 5—6 years old, according to S. Bökönyi (1949) and that of a calf, IV4 —IV2 years old, again according to by S. Bölönyi, (1949); these animal skeletons lay at a depth of 190—280 cm and in the opposite direction to the human skeleton. The excavator reconstructed the funeral rite as follows. „The head of the cow was placed beside the foot-bones of the human skeleton into the niche opening by the foot-bones of the human skeleton ; after the human skeleton had been sprinkled with a layer of earth, the cow (its head, right foreleg and hondlegs had first been chopped) was laid in the grave. The calf, laying on its right side, was de­posited by the side of the cow, its head lay next to the place where the forelegs of the cow would have been and its bindpart lay next to the place where the hind-legs of the cow would have been. Deposition Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, under Inv. no. 1951. 2.8—3; Anthropological material deposited: Ter­mészettudományi Múzeum (Hungarian Natural History Museum), Anthropological Collection, under Inv. no. 1756. 9. PÉCS — TIBORC UTCA 84. Site and circumstances of discovery In December 1971, during diggings in Dezső Tuboly's vine-yard, two human skeletons (here as graves „A" and „B") were found at a depth of 70—80 cm. The skeletons lay in W — О direction. NO grave-goods were reported. In January 1972, under the same circumstance, grave no. 1. was found. The site was surveyed by the author. (Fig. 16—17). Description of grave Grave 1 (Fig. 19. E) O: W —E; D: 75 cm; Female skeleton in exten­ded supine pisition (no other data conserning the position) and the skeleton of a child (Inf. I.) ; the child lay beside the left leg of the woman. Two earrings of gilded bronze (1—2), one on either side of the skull ; they belong to the group of earrings with small hollow globe-pendants. Bronze bracelet (3) with open terminals, on the­left forearm. Deposition Janus Pannonius Museum, under Inv. no. N. 73.1.1—2; Report deposited: Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Documentation Department, under Inv. no. 166. 1972. Bibliography Kiss A., Rég. Füz. I. 25. 1972. 53. Néhány avarkori régészeti lelet Baranya megyéből KISS ATTILA Baranya megye közöletlen avarkori leleteit e sorok szerzője 1969-ben lezárt gyűjtésével a „Ce­meteries of the Avar Period (567—829) in Hun­gary" II. kötetében adta közre. A jelen anyagköz­lésben szereplő nyolc, VI— IX. századi lelőhely anyaga több forrásból származik: a) a szerző gyűjtéséből kimaradt anyag (Mohács, I960.); b) Papp László hagyatéka (Mais, 1966); с) a szerző­nek Baranya megye területén 1969 és 1973 között végzett leletmentési anyaga; d) a Magyar Nem­zeti Múzeum Dunaszekcsőről vásárolt lelete. A leletanyagnak elsősorban településtörténeti értéke van, ezért szerző a külön értékeléstől el­tekint és célja a leleteknek a kutatás rendelkezé­sére való bocsátása.

