Wicker Erika (szerk.): Cumania 27. - A Kecskeméti Katona József Múzeum évkönyve (Kecskemét, 2016)

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Cumania 27. Tamás Schill pp. 137-146 NOTES ON THE USAGE OF REED IN DUNAPATAJ The agglomerated villagescape of Dunapataj was once defined by reed-roofs, reed-fences and other types of reed-built constructions. The wet lands along the Danube River provided reed abundantly. Reed was mainly used as a raw material for building operations; from simple struc­tures to the roofing of living houses. While some time ago smaller building such as pig sties stalls, henhouses were thatched, by the end of the twentieth century only a handful of buildings had such roofing. Reed was also used as the wall of the fences or sheds. The so called 'bot­tom-sat huts' were formerly very popular in the vineyards of Dunapataj, as well in the orchards along the Danube, were also thatch-roofed. Besides, the storage pits, used for stocking crops and wine-barrels in lack of cellars, were also covered with reed. The construction and repair technol­ogy of thatching fortunately survived through the expertise of the Bálint brothers until the first decade of the twenty-first century at Dunapataj. The essay provides data on the architectural usage of reed in the small town located in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve Region. Zsuzsanna Bereznai pp. 147-160 THE HOUSEHOLD OF A KECSKEMÉT CITIZEN IN THE EARLY DECADES OF THE 20™ CENTURY (The household of Fülöpné Kircz [Teréz Kohn] 1900-1920) The had-written manuscripts of Olga Kircz recall the year 1910, and the memorable earthquake at Kecskemét in 1911, and the rebuilding that fallowed it. This material is supplemented with the ethnographically inspired interviews of the author, primarily focusing on her childhood (1905- 1920). The Neolog Jewish family Kircz did not belong to the wealthiest citizens of the town; in fact they lived according to modest standards. The family lived the life of the lower middle-class Jews of Kecskemét. The earnings of the family head, Fülöp Kircz, a coach-driver and carrier, covered the expanses of the house-rent, the education of his five daughters, the payment of two carters and the everyday expenses of the household. Besides, her wife, Teréz Kohn managed the household with strict budget and savings, with the help of a maid and her five daughters. The chapters of the paper: Introduction. The order of the household management (Washing, mangling, ironing. Preservation: making of dried pasta, jam, tomato juice, pickles, goose-season. Cleaning. Cooking-baking: The Kosher kitchen. Foods and drinks). Summary and outlook. Zsuzsanna Bereznai pp. 161-176 THE MADONNA MODESTA AT KECSKEMÉT - THE GLOBE-TROTTER RENAISSANCE ANECDOTE Kálmán Mikszáth published the short story about the 'Okos Nástya' [The wise Nástya], in his book 'Pernye' [Flying Ashes] in 1893, which is a nineteenth century version of the Madonna Modesta [The Modest Lady]. The twentieth century variant of this story from Kecskemét can also be connected to vernacular stories. Zsuzsanna Mittelholczné Tóth, an amateur novelist wrote down the story of Lady Sara that she had heard in Kecskemét as a child from her mother who came from Kissebes (today Poieni, Romania) located near to Nagyvárad (today Oradea, Ro­mania), and also from her father who descended from Charlottenburg/Saroltavár (today: Char- lotenburg, Romania). The chapters of the paper: Introduction. The renaissance attitude and an 392

