Bárth János szerk.: Cumania 20. (A Bács-Kiskun Megyei Önkormányzat Múzeumi Szervezetének Évkönyve, Kecskemét, 2004)

Kürti László: Egyháztörténet és politika: Ladánybene betelepülése

EGYHÁZTÖRTÉNET ES POLITIKA... 253 László Kürti POLITICS AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY: THE HISTORY OF LADÁNYBENE - Summary ­This article describes the religious history of Ladánybene, a small settlement north-east from Kecskemét in the 19th and 20th centuries. From archival records it is well known that Ladánybene was acquired by Jászladány during the Redemptio, an agreement when the Habsburg House allowed the return of large areas on the Great Plain for considerable sum of money. From 1745 until the 1840s, the citizens of Jászladány only utilised their Bene field (Benepuszta) as pastureland. For more than a hundred year, Bene was a classical example of a Great Plain territory ­puszta (field) - that saw a colorful history with sheriffs, bandits, and hard-working people in the midst of a transformation that extended the feudalistic period well into the beginning of the twentieth century. After the 1850s families began to move from Jászladány to their distant properties and by so doing created the seed of the future community of Ladánybene. The first institution established was the catholic school that also served as a make-shift chapel. István Berente was its first teacher, an able man who served the community until his death. It was not until the 1930s, however, when the Bishop of Vác allowed the independent parish to be set up, but the citizens could only erect their church in 1947.

