Horváth Attila – Orosz László szerk.: Cumania 6. Historia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1979)

Telepy K.: Iványi Grünwald Béla korai munkássága, valamint a Kecskemétre költözés okai és előzményei

into the existence is characteristic of the painting with such a serenity that radiates the unity of the intellec­tual and emotional motives. The Spring excursion (1903) — also bought by the State — lays down the experience of the beauty of the Nagybánya land­scape. In the same year he also exposed the Clothes drying that approached the impressionism probably the best bringing out the haystacks, trees, grassplots virtually being in motion through the dynamism of yellows, reds, greens, blues and small, vibrating spots. His young wife is the model of several painting of his. E. g. she is the young woman watching her embroidery and sitting among playful leaf floods vivid of sunshine spots in the Arbour or the prota­gonist of both the scene depicted in an intérieur of the Home and of the White room. In 1904 he along with his wife and son is able to spend a year on a fellowship in Rome. This year did not bring him further artistic progress, however, after returning to Nagybánya where his home was his art underwent a slow change. His young painter friends used to visit Paris eveiy winter and brought the news of more recent pictorail endeavours to the colony. Iványi Grünwald who was able to change his art began to turn to the decorative style. His pain­tings became more coordinated, and timeless tran­quillity, contoured surfaces, unmixed patches of co­lour appeared on his newer works. The Party is of this kind that, as a panno, had gotten to the dining room of a villa belonging to a high-ranked person and was destroyed during the World War II. His new experiments were enthusiastically praised by his young students but the change of his develo­ped style was objected by the other founders of the painter colony who thought that he was moving away from the earlier methods of nature viewing of Nagybánya. Iványi-Grünwald also felt that he should slowly leave the stage of his former activities, and he was urged to do it for reasons of material interest too. The solution came from Kecskemét. Elek Kada, the agile and art-loving mayor of the town, who initiated a very important progress not only econo­mically but in all other aspects too, had established a painter colony and appointed Iványi-Grünwald as its leading master from Nagybánya. The master along with some other artists settled down in the new painter houses of Kecskemét in 1910 and gave way to free artistic experiments during the ten years he spent there. A whole host of prog­ressive-minded Hungarian painters worked with plea­sure in the colony. When the colony dissolved for financial reasons after 1919, Iványi Grünwald moved to Budapest where he produced innumerable paint­ings up to 1940, the time of his death. After 1920 he spent the summers in Balatonlelle, and his savoury, characteristically Hungarian, modernistic works show traits quite different from those of the decorative creations of his Kecskemét period. His main themes : the nearly immaterial illusion of the light and atmos­phere phenomena of the Lake Balaton, the pleasant gipsy themes already discovered in Nagybánya, the flower-pieces inspired by Renoir, the depictions of rural landscapes, draw wells, mills full of emotional elements, the many variations of trashing, the phe­nomenon of the rising dust vibrating in the rays of sun. Iványi Grünw T ald was an interesting figure of Hun­garian painting for his different stylistic changes, repeated revivals were valuable contributions to the pictorial methods in Hungary. Unfortunately, many of his high-quality works were destroyed, got abroad or have still been hidden, though, the collecions of Hungarian museums also keep a rich series of his paintings. ABBREVIATIONS o. v. = oil, canvas o. lp. = oil paste-board о. k. = oil cardboard OMKT. = National Hungarian Society of Fine Arts MUMOK = National Centre of Museums and Monu­ment K.T. 1 Képz. Tats. > Suciety of Fine Arts K. Társulat J j. j. 1. — signed below right j. b. 1. = signen below left MNG = Hungarian National Gallery LTsz. = investory number Vas. Újs. = Vasárnapi Üjság (Sunday Journal) 274

