Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

S. Bökönyi: Szarmata lelőhelyek állatcsont leletei Bács-Kiskun megyéből

Basal length Overall length М х — basion L — aboral end of palate Aboral end of palate — basion Ij — the middle of the straight line connecting the aboral parts of nasal bones This latter point — opisthion 1 Х — the middle of the straight line connecting the extreme width of frontal bones This latter point — opisthion Length of row of teeth (I 1 — M 2 ) Length of incisor row Length of diastema P1-P4 M x-M 2 Length of P 4 Length of foramen magnum Greatast width of skull Greatest frontal width Greatest width of brain-case Distance between medial canthuses Distance between foramina infraorbitalia Width of incisor row Pi-Pi M 1 ~M 1 Width at the mandibular joints Width at the external auditory meatuses Width at condylus occipitales Width of foramen magnum Height of occiput (basion — opisthion) Dog ­Canis familiáris Skull L. Kunszállás — Kunszentmiklós — Szabadszállás — Alkotmány Tsz Bak ér Józan 74.1.225 74.1.226 74.1.227 66.3.100 66.3.101 65.2.48 65.2.228 159 — 175 — 188 171 170 — — 197 — 214.5 193 186 76 — 81 — 84 79.5 77 83 — 94 87 105 97.5 95 — — — — 106 92.5 94 ­­— 70 83 74.5 78 89 97.5 108 100 99 ­99 109 98 117.5 102 95.5 106 117 122 109.5 116 — 85 94 88 106 94.5 79.5 90 — 99 — 104 98.5 97 9.5 13 9 — 11 12 10.5 19 — 22 — 22.5 19.5 18.5 49 53 52.5 47 55 53 52 17 17 19.5 21 22 17 22 16 18.5 19 18.5 20.5 19 18.5 16 15 17.5 17 18 16.5 17 95* _ — — 108 106 94 46* 45* 57 43 60.5 58 46 59 62 64 62 65 63.5 59 32 32.5 41 31 46 42.5 30.5 38 — 42 39 42 42.5 35 24 24 28 — 28.5 27 24.5 30.5 — 38 36 38 28 30.5 56 — — 64 68 64 56.5 92* 86 95 96 100 95.5 90 58 — 61 56 66 61.5 60 35.5 37.5 39 39 42 40.5 40 20 20 20.5 18 22 20 21 — 43 46 45 43 44.5 43.5 Mesurements : Mandible 1. length to the angulus 2. height at P x 3. height at M x 4. height to the articular surface 5. height to processus coronoideus 6. length or row of teeth (íj —M 3 ) 7. length of incisor row 8. length of diastema 9- Pi-P 4 10. м 1-м 3 11. length of Mi 10 11 Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz 74.1.225 74.1.226 74.1.227 134 149 16.5 20 22 26 54 21 25 55 25 — _ 92 100 5.5 14.5 18 42 40.5 41 32 34.5 36* 19.5 21 22 67

