Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

S. Bökönyi: Szarmata lelőhelyek állatcsont leletei Bács-Kiskun megyéből

Fig. 3 — 3. ábra. Heavy horn-core fragment with triangular cross-section of sheep — Vaskos, háromszögkeresztmetszetű juhszarvcsap darabja. Kunszentmiklós-Bak ér, 66. 3. 79. looks rather variable. It contains a fragment of a hea­vy, outwards twisted horn-core with triangular cross­section (Kunszentmiklós—Bak ér), a fragment of a slightly twisted, small horn-core (Szabadszállás — Józan), a skull fragment with similar horn-cores which are cut off (Kunszentmiklós—Bak ér), another skull fragment with rudimentary horn-cores of ca. 10 mm length (Kunszentmiklós—Bak ér), and finally five skull fragments of hornless sheep (two specimens from each Kunszentmiklós—Bak ér and Szabadszál­lás—Józan, and a fifth one from Kunszállás—Alkot­mány Tsz). Nevertheless, these don't represent in­dependent breeds or types but simply different sexes. The heavy horn-core with triangular cross-section (Fig. 3) undoubtedly belongs to a ram, the smaller, slightly twisted horn-cores, the rudimentary ones (Fig. 4), and the hornless skulls (Fig. 5) point to females. They are typical representatives of the early sheep population of Eurasia that developped in prehistoric times and show no special eastern cha­racteristics. The extremity bones show a comparatively uniform sheep population. Its best proof is that the withers heights determined by the methods of Zalkin (1961) and Haak (1965) from the greatest length of the long bones show only 6.5 cm range of variation (see Table 5). Site Kunszentmiklós-Bak ér Kunszentmiklós-Bak ér Szabadszállás-Józan Szabadszállás-Józan Kunszentmiklós-Bak ér Szabadszállás-Józan Szabadszállás-Józan Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz Kunszállás — Alkotmány Tsz bone radius metacarpus metacarpus metacarpus metacarpus metacarpus metatarsus metatarsus metatarsus length of withers bone (mm) height (cm) 155-5 128.0 128.2 131.0 132.0 133.0 138.0 143.0 145.5 61.6 62.2 62.3 63.7 64.2 64.6 64.6 66.9 68.1 Table 5. Long bone lengths and withers heights of sheep. Fig. 4 — 4. ábra. Sheep skull fragment with rudimentary horn-core — Juh koponyarészlete csökevényes szarvcsappal. Kunszentmiklós-Bak ér, 66. 3. 57. 47

