Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

H. Tóth E.: Az Izsák-balázspusztai honfoglaláskori lovassír

mounting, and their animal head representation can­not be debated. Although the relationship to the more realistic and stylized animal representations is not so close, the life-like cattle-head studs of the female grave of the Bashalomll. cemetery, 17 and the more abstract gold mounting of a more stylized and flor­ally framed cattle head in the museum of Debrecen 18 can be mentioned as examples. Conclusively the Izsák­Balázspuszta mountings, and their similar parallels can be considered as human face-mask representations as demonstrated by the Micske ranch mountings (Plate 21). The sabretache plate of the grave with its smooth­headed framing rivet lines, and with its small size belongs among the most modest pieces of this type (Plate 22). There is a similar smooth-headed rivet lin­ed sabretache among the Tuzsér finds, although the handle strap, or rather the closing strap was attached by two and two cast star decorated rivets. 19 The upper part of the sabretache of the no. 14 grave of Kenézlő is decorated by three flat cast studs, the lower part Fig. 21. Sabretache hanging mountings, a) Izsák-Balázspuszta, b) Újfehértó-Micskepuszta, с) Bodrogszerdahely 17 I. DIENES: A honfoglaló magyarok. (The Conquesting Magyars. Bp. 1972. fig. 42. 18 A. KRALOVÁNSZKY: Szarvasmarha temetkezés a hon­foglalás korából. (Cattle burial from the Conquest Period.) Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum Közleményei. Reports of the Hungarian Agricultural Museum. 1964. 181. See also on the Csorna strap-end. PAULER-SZILÁGYI : A magyar honfoglalás kútfői. (Sources of the Magyar Con­1900. 559. 19 A. JÓSA: Arch. Ért. 1900. 222. grave no. 6, J. HAMPEL: Alterthümer des frühen Mittelalters in Ungarn.) I— П. Braunschweig 1905 20 A. JÓSA: Arch. Ért. 1914. 321. Pl. XXX. by one. 20 The also small Tiszanána piece is bordered by simple rivets on both sides and has a nicely designed cast palmette bunch each. 21 (The traced decoration is most likely secondary, not contemporaneous with its making.) Simple rivets bordered the fragmentary and incomplete, also undecorated, sabretache plate from the triple grave of Kenézlő 22 , with small cast rivets in the center which are similar to the framing rivets of the fragment from Besenyőtelek — Szőrhát. 2:i The sabretache of the no. 28 grave of Kenézlő, bordered by a rivetline and riveted by cast studs can­not be considered undecorated, its embossed floral ornamentation is contemporaneous with its making. 24 The sabretache plate of Bodrogvécs 25 with its embossed infinitely extending palmette motif, and the broken remain of a sabretache plate of the second grave at Eperjeske 26 are both framed by simple headed rivets and cast rosettes. However, the plain sab­retache of the Bashalom cemetery was attached by modest, hammered down rivets, which has only a gilt hollow' 27 , similar to the almond motif of the leaf­21. kép. Tarsolyfüggesztő veretek, a) Izsák-Balázspuszta, b) Újfehértó-Micskepuszta, с) Bodrogszerdahely 21 I. DIENES: Folia Arch. XVI. 1964. 86, fig. 26. 22 A. JÓSA: Arch. Ért. 1914. 307. Pl. XIII. 23 Gy. J. SZABÓ: Heves megye műemlékei.) Monumentes of Heves County.) 1969. 56. Pl. 26. 24 N. FETTICH: Adatok a honfoglalás kor Archaeológiá­jához.) Data to the archaeology of the Conquest Period.) Arch. Ért. 1931. 81, Pl, 54, fig. 2. I. DIENES: Folia Arch. 1964. 84-85. PI. 24-25. 25 N. FETTICH: Arch. Hung. XXI. PI. 556-57. 26 N. FETTICH: Arch. Hung. XXI. 58. PI. I/a. 27 1. DIENES: Act. Arch. 1956. VIL LXII. 9. 162

