Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

H. Tóth E.: Az Izsák-balázspusztai honfoglaláskori lovassír

ARROW HEAD, with highly corroded surface, its flat leaf-shaped point is broken. Length: 6.0 cm. Width: 2.4 cm (Plate 14/c). The mounts of the belt and the harness The complex of the grave is quite irrugular dis­regarding the anthropological irregularities even. No similar find complex could be found thus we must investigate the relationships between the pieces their correlation by object groups or by types. This in itself is quite a task, since the Very few mountings of the grave and subsequently of the museum represent several types and their variations. There is a possibi­lity that the highly heterogenous belt, made up of se­veral types of elements, or trappings got into the grave, but the other possibility is there also that many pieces of the two types of belt, or trappings disappeared in consequence of the grave-disturbing farmhands. It is possible, and most likely that only damages pieces of the trappings and the belt were placed originally into the grave. The brakes and bents, and fractures evident on the individual mountings would substantiate this. Lacking observations, only analogous finds, and their position can be decisive concerning the functions of the different mounting types. Among these, the mounting bordered by the thick leafline (Plate 20/5) finds it parallel in the Perse (Prsa) cemetery, in the no. 103, mostly destroyed, equestrian male grave. 1 No other mounting type was unearthed from this grave. Among the finds of the grave found at the Farkasrét cemetery these small studs of similar framing are not as common as the more oblong mountings. 2 István Dienes presumes, although only tentatively, that these may have belonged to the cheek-strap of the bridle. Although further finds, showinga close ornamental relationship, were not found, but the occurrance 1 A. TOOK: Altmagyarische Gräberfelder in der Süd­westslowakei. Bratislawa 1968. 94. XX, VIII. t. 23-25. 2 I. DIENES : Honfoglaláskori veretes tarsoly Budapest, Farkasrétről. (Monuted sabretache plate form the Con­quest Period from Budapest, Farkasrét). Folia Arch. XXIV. 191. 6. Fig. 1-8. of the Perse grave (Prsa, grave no. 103) and the well sortable Farkasrét find this mounting could be con­sidered part of horse trappings. The strap-end could parhaps also be placed onto the bridle, although no parallel was found to its vague double spiral ornamentation anywhere else (Plate 20/11). However, the small strap-end of the no. 6. grave at Tuzsér 3 and the grave find of Karos 4 ; the oblong larger piece with sharp ribbing in the middle of the В grave of Bashalom 5 are close ana­gies. Similar rare is the flat surfaced, three planed, deep­ened spiral shoot decorated mounting type (Plate 15/5,8,20; Plate 6/10). Of the five extant pieces only one complete mounting is fit to compare, the other four show signs of violent treatment (bent, broken, incomplete). The mountings of the no. 1 grave at Karos 6 with deepened semicircular vine motif, or the curvy planed, wider circled leaf spirals with bud de­corations of the Bodrogvécs 7 finds show more-or­less some relationship with our complete mounting. These mountings could be perhaps considered belt studs, but the scattered parallels do not give enough evidence for this presumption. Nevertheless, one piece of our heart-shaped, almost unornamented, bent-edged mounting type came to light among the decorated bone plates of the front pommel, or rather under one of these, with its ob­verse up (Plate 15/3, Plate 20/3). This could lead to the conclusion that these mountings, including the only leaf-shape piece of this type, (Plate 20/4) could 3 J. HAMPEL: Ujabb tanulmányok a honfoglalási kor em­lékeiről). Latest studies of Conquest Period monu­ments. 1907. 37. Plate 37, fig.: 27. JÓSA A.: Em­lékek a honfoglalás korából. A. JÓSA: Monuments of the Conquest Period. Arch. Ért. 1900. 223. Fig. 27. 4 N. FETTICH: A honfoglaló magyarság fémművessége. (Metallurgical art of the conquesting Magyars). Arch. Hung. XXI, CXXX. PI. 3. 5 I. DIENES: Un cimitière de Hongrois Conquérants a Bashalom. Act. Arch. 1956. tomus VII. LIX. PL 52. A bashalmi (Szabolcs-Szatmár m.) honfoglalás kori ma­gyar temető. (The Hungarian Conquest Period cemetery at Bashalom (Szabolcs-Szatmár counties) Arch. Ért. 1957. 24-37. 6 N. FETTICH: op. cit. Plates XXI, CXXX, fig. 9-16. 7 Gy. DÓKUS: Árpádkori sírleletek Zemplén vármegyé­ben. Árpád age grave finds in Zemplén County. Arch. Ért. 1900. 45. p. 7, Fig. 1-6. 155

