Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 4. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1976)

H. Tóth E.: Az Izsák-balázspusztai honfoglaláskori lovassír

BY ELVIRA H. TÓTH THE EQUESTRIAN GRAVE OF IZSÁK-BALÁZSPUSZTA FROM THE PERIOD OF THE MAGYAR CONQUEST The study of the period of the Magyar Conquest has ject of the material culture, more is discussed of the progressed varifold in the past years. The archaeolo- cultural heritage, art, and religious beliefs of the con­gical material has been enriched by the summing questing Magyars. This unusual complex of grave up of linguistic results, the re-evaluation of broadened find at Izsák—Balázspuszta from this very period historic knowledge with the surveys using data of cannot solve any of these problems, but makes fur­settlement history, by new finds, and by published ther inquiery possible, reports of various research studies. Beyond the ob­141 1. kép. A lelőhely helyszínrajza

