Horváth Attila – Solymos Ede szerk.: Cumania 2. Ethnographia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1974)
Dankó I.: Az 1739–40. évi kunszentmiklósi pestis népéletbeli szerepe
Houses afflicted by the plague were locked up and those who survived were moved out to the gardens and vineyards on the confines of the village. Many of those who had moved out would not move back again. At the first period of the plague, fumigation was employed, i. e. herbs and seeds spreading sharp odours were sprinkled on live char-coals, but even this was considered as effective when performed indoors. The author points it out that such an exact recollection of the minor points of the distant past is due to the fact that the Little Cumanians, the inhabitants of Kunszentmiklós constituted a free and autonomous community, and a live historical consciousness like this is an ethnic feature of any privileged groups with better economic and social conditions to defend. In the first part of this study a literal copy of the register kept in Bács-Kiskun County Archives (Kecskemét) is inserted. The data of the register are analysed, when necessary, on nomenclativa, social and demographical bases. 376