Horváth Attila – Solymos Ede szerk.: Cumania 2. Ethnographia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1974)

J. Vorák: Kolompár Kálmánné kiskunhalasi cigányasszony kézimunkái

No. June 1963 June 1967 September 1970 January 1973 17. Small tree. Birch tree. Acacia tree in the pot. 18. Just some little acacia Acacia tree in the mug. The brother of the other tree. one. 19. Another acacia tree. Like that other one. Acacia tree. 20. A tree, there are flowers on it, that's what makes it nice. Tree. Sour cherry-tree. 21. Just some little flowers to make it nicer. I had to put something there, too. Flowers. Nice, colourful flowers. 22. Little jug with flowers. Lilac tree and its mug. Mug and flowers. 23. Little tree Elderbush and its flowers. Flowery bush. 24. Flowers. Flowers. Flowers. 25. This is the horned bird. Horned bird. Better than Horned bird. Or pigeon, 26—33. It is a lucky sign. The best of luck. I sewed it in the cloth so that they have good luck. All the rest is only leaves and flowers. the little hen or the peacock. There also are blossoming trees among them, to make it nice. maybe. (Looks for the horned bird on the cloth.) It has to be the horned bird, after all. I cannot find it anywhere else. That is the one. These are just some sort of nice leaves. Leaves of a curly tree. Smaller ones, larger ones; it is nice, all of it. Grows in the garden, there are nice flowers in it. Also some kind of a garden tree. Tree. Garden tree. Flowers. I put them in a mug so they should not fade. Blossoming tree. Flowers. Horned bird. Brings luck to everyone. I did not draw anything but luck in this cloth. Wide leaves from the gar­den and forest. There are also trees among them. The „baptismal" cloth of Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár fThorma János Museum, ethnogr. inventory No. 6.4.3. )Figures 14—15.— Made by Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár, gipsy woman of Cserepes in Kiskunhlas. — Meaning of the figures as given by Mrs. Kálmán Kolompár at different times: No. May 1964 September 1970 1. They are roses. 2. This is a tree, seems to be a lilac tree. 3. Perambulator, if there is a baby born, they'll put it into. 4. Bridegroom, young shep­herd. Smokes a pipe. 5. A dog, the bridegroom holds him, it's his. 6. Nice girlie, she's the bride. An apron bound in front, a red ribbon in her hair so she's always pretty. 7. A tree, has a stump and leaves and branches. 8. House. Its top is tiled, it has a door, a chimney, before it there are flowers. Flowers. Flowery tree. A little carriage for the baby. Lad, has a pipe in his mouth. Small dog, ,,puli" dog. This one is the bride of the groom. They arc hand in hand beacuse they love each other. Acacia tree, under it the bride is standing. A nice house. Tiled- 1rs chim­ney smokes. Before it there is a garden with flowers. The door stands open, as the No. May 1974 September 1970 9. This is a bear. 10. Frog, small green frog. 11. Scissors. 12. Peacock: good luck, too. 13. Stork. 14. Flowers. 15. Goose. 16. Tortoise. Good luck, too. young man and the girl stand in front of it under the acacia tree. Hare. Frog. Has been stitched for good luck. But one must not touch it. Gipsies never do. Scissors, so when she sews something she can cut it. Peacock, it is just as lucky as the frog. Stork. Perches upon the house. And it's better if he does. People say to him: „Stork, stork, do not alight on the pond, don't stir up the water". Flowers in the little garden. Goose. A tortoise. Children play with it. Never mind if they touch it, it won't bring ill luck to them. 187

