Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 1. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1972)

S. Bökönyi: Őstulok (Bos primigenius Boj) leletek az Őrjeg tőzeglápjaiban

spec. Non-arbor pollen, total spec, Polypodiaceae spec, spora % Lycopodium spec. spora % Syphagnum spora spec. Botryococcus spec. braunii, alga % Pediastrum, spec. alga % spec. Ephedra % spec. Myrica gale % Hippophae spec. rhamnoides % 23 21 22 50 36 36 21 49 68 25 2 6.7 2 6.7 1 1.6 11.3 43 28 19 16 31 29 21 115 13 1 1.3 22 13 102 167 23 10 44 50 7 40 56 56 112.7 130.9 1 2,6 8.7 24.0 215.4 215.4 130.9 1 2,6 4 2.4 14 8.4 1 0.6 10 2 12.5 1.2 2 7.7 2 7.7 not well enough characterized in the sample. The aurochs remains were recovered from the oldest turf layers just above the sand of the riverbed. This fact is reinforced by turf sample contained in the brain case of the whole skull, consequently they are from the earliest Holocene : the Mesolithic or Early Neoli­thic. Since the bones of both Kecel sites came out of the same layers of the same bog as those of Szabad­szállás one can rightly suppose that they are of the same age as those of the latter site. The following aurochs bones were unearthed in the site of Szabadszállás-Tőzegtelep (in parentheses with their cat. numbers in the Katona J. Mus. Kecskemét) : 1. skull (65. 3. 80); adult, rf; almost complete and intact, only its lefts os incisivum is missing (Fig. 2-4); 2. brain skull with the right horn-core and the basis ot the left one (65. 3. 81 ; Fig. 5, a) ; adult, ö* ; most of its oral region are missing ; 3. brain skull fragment with both horn-cores (69. 1.1; Fig. 5, b); adult, tf; mended, left horn­core damaged; 4. left brain skull fragment with the horn-core (65. 3. 82; Fig. 5, c); adult, tf; tip of the horn-core is missing; 5. left brain skull fragment with the horn-core (69. 1. 2; Fig. 6, a); adult, <f ; 6. left brain skull fragment with the horn-core (65. 3. 83; Fig. 6, b); adult, rf; tip of the horn-core is missing; 7. left brain skull fragment with the horn-core (69. 1.3; Fig. 6, c); juvenile; tip of the horn-core is missing; 8. left brain skull fragment with the proximal part of the horn-core (65. 3. 84; Fig. 7, a); adult, tf; 9. brain skull fragment (65. 3. 85); adult, çf; 10. 3 brain skull fragments (65. 3. 88); probably from the same skull ; 11. right maxilla fragment with P 3 —M 3 (65. 3. 86.); adult; 12. left horn-core (65. 3. 89; Fig. 7, b); incomp­lete, mended; 13. right horn-core (65. 3. 87; Fig. 7, c); adult, O* ; incomplete, burned ; 14. 9 horn-core fragments (65. 3. 90); adult; 15. horn-core fragment (69. 1.4); adult; 16. 2 upper praemolars (65. 3. 91); adult; dama­ged; 17. 5 upper molars (65. 3. 92); subadult; dama­ged; 18. 4 left mandible halves with P x —M 3 (65. 3. 93); adult; 19. 3 left mandible fragments withP 2 —M 3 (65.3. 94); adult; 20

