Horváth Attila – H. Tóth Elvira szerk.: Cumania 1. Archeologia (Bács-Kiskun Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei, Kecskemét, 1972)

S. Bökönyi: Őstulok (Bos primigenius Boj) leletek az Őrjeg tőzeglápjaiban

two atlases and an axis (epistropheus), bones seldom unearthed undamaged in settlements, provide valu­able data on the aurochs bone variation. The range of variation of their measurements is as follows (in parenthesis the range of variation of subfossil domes­tic cattle in Hungary) : mandible : length from 1^ to the angle 448—470 C-) length of dental row (I1-M3) 309—324 (244—252) length of praemolar row 55— 63 (46.5—56) length of molar row 93—118 (84—92.5) length of M 3 42—49 (33—42) atlas : length of ventral arch 48,58 (36—43) length of dorsal arch 52,56 (38-47), breadth of cranial articular surface 124, 127 (81—101) breadth of caudal articular surface 121, 127 (82—96) greatest breadth 229 (138, 142) greatest height 105, 106 (81—87) axis: length of body­162 (93—123) length of dens 31 (21—27) breadth of dens 55.5 (40­-44) breadth of cranial articular surface 125 (80­-106) breadth of fossa caudalis 60 (46) greatest breadth 152 (-) height of cranial articular surface 80 (45­-60) height of fossa caudalis 59 (40) greatest height 185 (-) A number of whole long bones in the sample pro­vides a good opportunity to study the differences in the proportion of wild to domestic cattle. The meta­podials offer a particularly good basis to these inves­tigations since 19 whole specimens, 9 metacarpals and 10 metatarsals, were unearthed (not counting a whole metacarpal of a subadult individual) ; more than in all other Hungarian sites together. The proportions of the aurochs metapodials were compared to those of domestic cattle of the site and of other neolithic and Copper Age sites in Hungary, Central and Southeast Europe. Also for comparison aurochs metapodials of other Hungarian sites and those of Central and Southeast Europe were drawn into the investigations. (The data of these bones are in Table 2.) Table 2 1) site, 2) country, 3) greatest length, 4) withers height, 5) proximal breadth/greatest length, 6) smallest breadthgreadtest length, 7) distal breadth/greatest length, 8) length quotient (=greatest length/quantitative value) Anzabegovo Békés-Városerdő Berettyószentmárton Divostin Dunaúj város-Koszider Egolzwil 2 Herpály Hódmezővásárhely—Gorzsa Jászdózsa—Kápolnahalom a) Metacarpals wild cattle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Yugoslavia 215 1328.7 33.0 19.5 — — Hungary 233 1439.9 33.2 20.2 35.2 41.5 Hungary 229 1415.2 30.1 16.2 30.6 44.2 240 1483.2 32.5 — — — 243 1501.7 31.7 — 32.7 — Yugoslavia 204 1260.8 34.3 20.1 36.2 40.9 208 1285.4 33.4 19.7 36.5 40.9 Hungary 250 1545.0 33.6 20.0 32.4 42.7 Switzerland 240 1483.2 33.3 20.0 32.5 — 247 1526.5 34.0 19.0 31.1 — 255 1575.9 33.3 20.0 31.4 — 258 1594.4 32.9 19.4 32.6 — Hungary 252 1557.4 32.1 18.3 32.1 43.2 252 1557.4 — 17.8 — — Hungary 219 1353.4 32.9 19.2 34.7 — Hungary 249 1538.8 30.7 19.7 32.1 43.4 25

