Pásztor Emília (szerk.): Sámánizmus és természethit régen és ma - Bajai dolgozatok 23. (Baja, 2019)

Peter Toth: Rituális tevékenység Szlovákiában a neolitikum és rézkor idején

Ritual practices in the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Slovakia Wagon and cattle harnessing As mentioned earlier, one of the characteristic traits of the Eneolithic is the economic use of animals in the form of a traction force. From this is derived a symbology of animal yoke in the form of teamed animals or yoked animal pairs8. Clay four-wheel wagon models are a sacral reflection of the invention of new means of transport, which probably at the beginning was used to transport the material over short distances (Podborskÿ 2006, 207; Farkas 2010, 442; Struhár - Soják - Kucerová 2010, 462). Crucial evidence of cattle harnessing was found in Liskovská cave. Approximately 60 m from the cave entrance (for more information about the find context see below) was found a copper statuette of yoked ox9 (fig. 21). Based on cut traces on yoke it was assumed that initially, the statue represented a pair of oxen joined with the yoke. However, only one figurine was brought to the cave. Copper statuette probably symbolized a ceremonial wagon, which carried a body of the deceased during funeral ceremonies (Bárta 1995, 26; Struhár 1999, 208- 209; Struhár - Soják - Kucerová 2010). According to the traditional view, the knowledge of wagon was imported to Central Europe from the Near East through the Balkans and the Pontic steppes. However, researchers are today working with the hypothesis that the knowledge of the wagon appeared almost simultaneously in the Old World. Central Europe and especially the Epilengyel groups, Funnel Beaker and Baden cultures are considered independent centers of knowledge of wheel transport and field management with the help of plow which was dragged by draft animals. It is presumed their Fig. 19. Divided bowl with button-shaped protrusions from Chl'aba, dated to the Baden culture (after Paulik 1980, obr. 68). 19. kép. Osztott tál, peremén két gomb alakú kiugró dísszel. Chl'aba, Baden kultúra (Paulík 1980, obr. 68). 33

