Kothencz Kelemen (szerk.): Migráció és hagyomány-formálódás a történeti Duna-Tisza közi nemzetiségek népéletében - Bajai dolgozatok 22. (Baja, 2018)

Bereznai Zsuzsanna: Egy hajósi sváb ember a történelem sodrában. (Kübler István gyermek- és ifjúkora)

IRODALOM BEREZNAI Zsuzsanna 2009 Egy hajósi sváb legényke cselédsora a Bácskában. Cumania 24. 337-390. Kecskemét BEREZNAI Zsuzsanna - SCHÖN Máris 2017 Könnyek népe. A hajósi sváb parasztság sorsa 1938-1954 között. Hajós Város Önkormányzata Hajós Zsuzsanna Bereznai Ten years in the course of history From the servant period and through the Second World War to the People’s Court (1937-1946) István Kübler was a servant in his childhood at Gara and Vaskút in the Bácska Region. He worked in the farm economies of wealthy German peasants. It was a scary for a lit­tle boy from Hajós that he had go to work to another settlement. Rather his strict father forced him to the servanthood, so he would know what is means to be a servant. Most of the poor peasants of Hajós were forced to live this destiny for years or decades. When he returned to Hajós he became a blacksmith’s apprentice. He was pressed into the Waffen-SS during the World War II. He participated in the war without a gun and as a civil servant he worked as a blacksmith. He was captured in Germany, later the soldiers brought them home on foot. On the way he survived siege of Prague what was one of the most serious events of the war. He was sent into a detention camp in Kalocsa when he arrived home. Finally, the war council released him. [Translated by the editor] 121 i

