Kothencz Kelemen (szerk.): Víz, ember, örökség. Tanulmányok a 90 éves született Solymos Ede tiszteletére - Bajai dolgozatok 21. (Baja, 2017)

Ferkov Jakab: Mosás a Dunán és a mohácsi Junó szappangyár

IRODALOM HEGYI Imre 1961 A fahamu felhasználása Ethnographia LXXII. 278-283. Budapest HERKELY Károly 1941 Népi erdőgazdálkodás Veszprém vármegyében Ethnographia LII. 54-58. Budapest KISS Lajos 1938 Hogyan mostak szappan nélkül Szabolcs vármegyében? Ethnographia XLIX. 399^103. Budapest PATÓCS Erzsébet 1965 100 éves a „Juno” szappangyár Kanizsai Dorottya Múzeum Adattára 41-67. Mohács ADATKÖZLŐK Bősz Gábomé Tamási Mirjana (Mohács, 1972) Jaksics György (Mohács, 1952) Lauer Adámné Pávkovics Ágnes (Mohács, 1955) Orosz Lászlóné Kővári Ágnes (Mohács, 1946) Pávkovics Györgyné Kalkán Mária (Mohács, 1934) Szűcs József (Mohács, 1924) Timatity Györgyné Kunovszki Ágnes (Mohács, 1954) Verbán Jánosné Tamási Katalin (Mohács, 1936) Jakab Ferkov Laundry works on the River Danube and the Juno Soap Works in Mohács The inhabitants of Mohács washed their clothes in the River Danube until the middle of the 20th century. Two washing areas existed on the bank of the River Danube. One of these washing areas was on the north riverside, between the stops of the ferry. The other washing area was on the south riverside, near to the old silk factory. Women usually had laundry works after bigger agricultural labours. These washing works were not only carried out during summer but in winter too. Washing during winter meant that women had the clothes soaked first at home, then they finished the washing on the frozen river by cutting a leak on the ice. They purchased the laundry soap from the soap manufacturers. There were two soap-works in the town of Mohács. One of them, called Juno, became well-known. This article deals with the history of Juno Soap Works in Mohács as well. [Translated by the editor] 190

