Somogyvári Ágnes et al. (szerk.): Településtörténeti kutatások - Archaelogia Cumanica 3. (Kecskemét, 2014)

Castrum Tétel program (Solt–Tételhegy) eredmények és perspektívák - Petkes Zsolt: Árpád-kori temető a tételhegyi Templomdombon

PETKES ZSOLT: ÁRPÁD-KORI TEMETŐ A TÉTELHEGYI TEMPLOMDOMBON SZENTPÉTERI2010 Szentpéteri József: Interdiszciplináris kutatások a Bács-Kiskun megyei Solt, Tételhegy lelőhelyen. Beszámoló a Castrum Tetei Program (2007-2009) főbb eredményeiről. Interdisciplinary investigations at the Solt, Tételhegy site in Bács-Kiskun county. Report on the main results of the Castrum Tetei project (2007-2009). RKM 2009. Budapest, 2010,53-80. SZENTPÉTERI 2013 Szentpéteri József: Castrum Tetei - Egy induló kutatási program kérdésfeltevései. Castrum Tetei - Research Design of a New Archaeological Project. In: Révész Liszló-Wolf Mária (szerk.): A honfoglalás kor kutatásának legújabb eredményei. Tanulmányok Kovács László 70. születésnapjára. Monográfiák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékéről 3. Szeged, 2013.357-371. SZŐKE 1962 Szőke Béla: A honfoglaló és kora Árpád-kori magyarság régészeti emlékei. Budapest, 1962. SZŐKE-VÁNDOR 1987 Szőke Béla Miklós -Vándor László: Pusztaszentlászló Árpád-kori temetője. FontArchHung. 1987. TÖRÖK 1962 TÖRÖK, Gyula: Die Bewohner von Halimba im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. ArchHung XXXIX. 1962. VARGA 2013 Varga Sándor: 10-11. századipadmalyos temetkezések a Kárpát-medencében. - Nischengräber des 10.-11. Jahrhunderts im Karpatenbecken. In: Révész László-Wolf Mária (szerk.): A honfoglalás kor kutatásának legújabb eredményei. Tanulmányok Kovács László 70. születésnapjára. Monográfiák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékéről 3. Szeged, 2013,297-321. ZALOTAY 1957 Zalotay Elemér: Gellértegyházai Árpádkori temető. - Das arpadenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Gellértegyháza. RégFüz Ser. I. No.7. Budapest, 1957. Zsolt Petkes An Árpádian Age cemetery in the Templomdomb area of the Tételhegy site Between 2006 and 2009, we excavated a church and 99 burials of a cemetery to its south, which lay in the middle of the prehistoric hillfort, based on the preliminary findings of the aerial archaeological reconnaissance and the field survey on Templomdomb on the north-western side of Tételhegy, conducted as part of the Castrum Tetei Pro­ject begun in 2005. The boundary of the cemetery could only be determined in the south; the cemetery extends beyond the investigated area towards the north, east and west. The excavated cemetery section was predominantly single-layered and was rural in nature, although several features suggested that it had been part of a church graveyard: the graves were more closely packed northwards, towards the church, and superimposed burials also appeared - the number of graves dug into each other was much higher compared to the average rural cemetery. The cemetery section was poor in finds: only about 27% of the burials contained any grave goods. The most frequent articles recovered from the burials were different types of rings such as plain rings, S-terminalled lock-rings and ribbed S-terminalled lock-rings. A bronze S-terminalled lock-ring was found in one of the graves immediately by the church, indicating that the building and the excavated cemetery section were roughly contemporaneous. The dark-coloured, annular finger-ring of glass found in Grave 8 represents a rare and unusual jewellery type of the Árpádian Age. A coin of King Kálmán (1095/1096-1116) from Grave 78 is of outstanding importance for dating the cemetery section because together with the glass finger-ring, it restricts the rather broad time interval of the use of simple rings to the late 11th century and the first third of the 12th century. The cemetery section uncovered on the north-western side of Tételhegy can most likely be regarded as part of the graveyard of the church lying some 27-53 meters to its north, supporting the observation that the partially investigated church, whose architectural history can be currently traced to the Gothic period, had an earlier, 11th century antecedent. The size of the graveyard reflects a sizeable community, whose church apparently lost its former importance by the later half of the Árpádian Age. Owing to the relative smallness of the investigated area, our knowledge of the cemetery and the church is rather sketchy; the excavation of the area between them remains a task for future research, which will undoubtedly enrich our current knowledge. 103

