Somogyvári Ágnes – V. Székely György szerk.: A Barbaricum ösvényein… A 2005-ben Kecskeméten tartott tudományos konferencia előadásai - Archaeologia Cumanica 1. (Kecskemét, 2011)

Fodor István: Szkíta temető Hajdúnánás határában

FODOR ISTVÁN: SZKÍTA TEMETŐ HAJDÚNÁNÁS HATÁRÁBAN PUZIKOVA 2000 A. 14. ny3MKOBa: ropoduut,a u Kypeaumie MOEUNBHUKU Cpedneeo Uodomu: K eonpocy o uxsmno KynbtnypHOM eduncmee. In: Ctcucßbi u capMambi e VII-III ee. do H.B. (Pe/j. B. 14. Iy/ifleB ­B. C. O/ibxoBCKMÜ), MocKBa 2000,258-267. RÔHEIM 1984 A bűvös tökör. Válogatás Róheim Géza tanulmányaiból. (Magyar Hírmondó.) (Szerk.Verebélyi Kincső), Budapest 1984. RUSZANOV - ULJANOV 1996 14. A. PycaHOB - M. B. Y/ibHHOB: K eonpocy o npoucxoxdenuu omeepcmuü Ha emynuax 6poH3oebtx HaKonennuKoe cmpe/i. In: Mamepuanbi no apxeonoeuu u smhtoepacßuu lOxHoeo ypana. (Pefl. E B. 3flaHOBMH m Ap.),Hena6MHCK 1996,188-190. SCHULZE-DÖRRHAMM 2002 M. Schulze-Dörrhamm: Byzantinische Gürtelschnallen und Gürtelbeschläge im Römisch­Germanischen Zentralmuseum, Teil 1. Mainz 2002. (Kataloge vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Alterthümer, Bd. 30.) SKYTER Skyteroch sarmaterfran Don tili Ural. (Ed. V. Alexejev - T. Potjomkina), Örebo 1990. SRAMKO 1994 B. A. UIpaMKo: Po3Konxu xypeame VII-IV cm. do n.e. noónmy Binboca. Apxeo/ioria 1994/4,117-133. SZMIRNOV 1964 K. CMTPHOB: Caepouamu. MocKBa 1964. SZMIRNOVA 1978 CMMPHOBA F. 1/1. Hoßoe B myieuvM apxeonorwHecKMX RIAMÍITHMKOB CeBep0-3anaflH0M CKMCJIMM. In: KynbTypa BocTOKa. (flpeBHocTb M paHHee cpeßHeBeKOBbe.) Pefl. JlyKOHMH, B. fl. JleHMHrpafl 1978,115-131. TERENOZSKIN - ILJINSZKAJA - CSRNYENKO - MOZOLEVSZKIJ 1973 A. n. TepeHO>KKMH - B. A. MnbMHCKaa - E. B.HepHeHKO - B. H. M030neBCKMíi: Ctcufficvcue Kypeanbi HuKononbw,uHbt. In: CKutfictcue dpneHocmu. (Pefl. A. ö. TepeHo>KKMH Mflp.),KneB 1973,113-186. TÉZER 2005 Tézer Zita: Szkíta kori tükrök a Kárpát-medencében. — Scythian-Period Mirrors in the Carpathian Basin. BudRég 39 (2005) 5-38. István Fodor Preliminary report on the excavation of a Scythian cemetery near Hajdúnánás In 2002, west of Hajdúnánás (NE Hungary), at an elevation on the eastern side of a dry spring-bed, at the foot of a Copper Age barrow, Hungarian graves of the 10 , H century were found. In the course of the excavations conducted in the following years (2002, 2003,2005,2007) (fig. 1-2.) a total of 42 graves was unearthed. Among them eight was dated to the 10 , H century and 33 belong to the Scythian Age. In grave 12 the dead was laid on its belly, tied that happens both in 10 L H cent. Hungarian and Scythian burials (fig 3). At the territory of the cemetery we also found remains of a 7 L H cent. Avarian settlement (two subterranean dwelling houses, pits and ditches.) Among the graves of the Scythian Age, 21 were inhumation burials, four urn graves and eight cremation graves (fig. 7). All of the inhumation burials contained bodies in contracted position. The orientation was different, varying according to all directions (fig. 4-6, 8-12). In grave 27 the dead was buried above a large urn dug into the soil (fig. 13-14.). Two graves contained double burial: in all probability these were mothers buried together with their children. In grave 33 a mother and child were placed faced to each other, the mother embraced the child with her arm at the neck (fig. 15.). Two large (210 x 240 cm and 310 x 328 cm) grave-pits were found (fig. 16-17), containing ashes, but they were plundered soon after the burial. In one of them a bronze mirror with an iron handle was unearthed (fig. 22.) showing that these must be the richest graves of the cemetery. Similar graves-pits are known from other cemeteries of the Scythian Age from the Great Hungarian Plain (Csanytelek, Sándorfalva), parallels are known from the Scythian cemeteries of the forest steppe belt of the Dnieper region. At the territory of the Hajdúnánás cemetery a complete horse skeleton was unearthed, and a horse skull near one of the graves. Analogies of this custom are well known in the find material of the Scythian Age from the Carpathian Basin and Eastern Europe. Handmade and wheel-thrown pottery belonged to the most frequent grave-goods (fig. 10-11). In five burials fragments of grinding stones were unearthed (fig. 4: l),and a honing stone in one grave. In grave 10 dated to the 10th century we found a bracelet decorated with animal heads at the ends (fig. 8: 3,1). In grave 34 introduced into an earlier, Neolithic, pit, small bronze beads, amber and clay pearls were unearthed (fig. 4:2, fig. 7, fig. 8: 2), and a bronze arrowhead at the same place (fig. 9). Beside these, bronze and iron wire bracelets, biconical spindle whorls, beads and further two bronze arrowheads were collected. Judging from the finds (pottery, mirror, and arrowheads) the cemetery can be dated to the 6th-6th century. 17

