Levéltári Közlemények, 48–49. (1978)

Levéltári Közlemények, 48–49. (1978) - FORRÁSKÖZLÉS - Vida István: Iratok a Nagy Ferenc vezette magyar kormányküldöttség 1946. évi amerikai látogatásának történetéhez / 245–281. o.

260 Vida István • informed British Government would be glad to receive him. He said it is necessary (MYTEL 931, May 20)' in interest of Hungárián people to make this visit and if possible Visit to Washington because Hungárián people demand their government shall establish close relations with western powers and not only with nearest great power USSR. Nagy said it seemed highly desirable to make visits to London and Washington before June 15 when CFM reconvenes. »He asked whether I thought his visit in Washington would be possible. I said I would be glad to inquire, I asked him whether he hoped if invited and if suitable arrangements could be made to go to Washington directly from London or at another time. He said he would let me know within a day or two. Sent Department; repeated to Paris as 161; to London as 230 and to Moscow as 208. NA. Dept. of State, Decimal File, 711.6415-2346. SCHOENFELD 1 Nem közöljük 2. Budapest, 1946. május 28, de. ll h A. Schoenfeld budapesti amerikai követ távirata a külügyminiszternek Gordon Ferenc pénzügy­miniszter nála tett látogatásáról. SECRET URGENT (ReceivedMay 31. - 9:15 a.m.) 985. Fináncé minister 1 called this morning to say by direction of President Tildy 2 that British acting representativ here last night informed Prime Minister that due to forthcoming victory celebration in London 3 latter should postpone proposed visit to Britain. Tildy desired me to know that he and Prime Minister were gravely concerned by this Suggestion because recent international developments in Hungary taken together with Communist Victory in Czechoslovak national election 4 would make any rebuff on part of western powers subject to Interpretation here that Schmallholders Party in Hungary and its representatives in Hungárián govt were discredited thus impairing their prestige and perhaps leading to fali of present govt. Tildy asked there fore that I convey to you his request that Prime Minister Nagy and members of his delegation be permitted to visit Washington prior to making London visit departing from here as near June first as possible with intention of stopping at London on return trip. 1 asked Gordon to point out to President Tildy that due to slowness of Communications it would be defficult to conclude proposed arrangements before June first especially since I had not yet received reply to MYTEL 973, May 24. s I therefore advised Gordon to ürge President Tildy and Prime Minister not to confuse Situation by precipitate action but promised to telegraph you ad above with my recommendation that Dept. undertake to advance date of proposed visit if the visit were considered acceptable as to which I was not yet informed. Acting British representative telis me his statement to Prime Minister yesterday was merely that Foreign Secretary Bevin would be unable to récéire Hungárián delegation before June 11 and that since he would attend CFM meeting June 15 he might not be able to see them personally before his departure for Paris. Mitchell Carse sees no reason why this should be regarded as rebuff. I agree with 'Gordon Ferenc kisgazdapárti politikus, 1945. november 15-től 1946. augusztus 26-ig pénzügyminiszter 2 Tildy Zoltán, 1946. február 1-től 1948. július 30-ig köztársasági elnök. 3 1946. június 10-11-én a győzelmi ünnepségekkel kapcsolatban kétnapos munkaszünetet tartottak. 4 1946. május 24-én Csehszlovákiában a cseh és szlovák kommunista párt a parlamenti választásokon 38%-kal megszerezte agyőzeimet. 5 Nem közöljük.

