Sinclair, Sir William J.: Semmelweis. His Life and his Doctrine (Manchester, 1909)

Table of contents

PAGE The Open Letters - ­...........................................245 S t. Petersburg Medical Society .... 259 Hugenberger ------- 259 v. Arnetb ------- 259 Spread of Doctrine after Semmelweis - - 261 Committee of Experts ----- 262 Semmelweis as Gynaecologist ----- 263 VII. Last Illness and Death.......................................................267 Successors - - - - - - - -270 Spread of Doctrine Resumed - - - - 270 Späth—1864 - - - - - - - 271 Carl Braun—1864 274 Hirsch - - - - - - - -281 E. Martin, Berlin ------ 285 Robert Barnes ------- 288 Y. Winckel ------- 288 Veit.........................................................................289 S canzoni, 1867 ------- 290 Boehr -------- 293 y. Winckel ------- 293 McClintock ------- 294 Schroeder ------- 295 Spiegelberg - ... 295 Carl Braun ------- 296 W. A. Freund ------- 298 Obstetrical Society of London - 299 Spencer Wells ------- 300 Leishman, of Glasgow ----- 302 Braxton Hicks ------ 303 Richardson ------- 305 Robert Barnes ------- 306 Squire -------- 308 Swayne -------- 308 Graily Hewitt ------- 309 Playfair -------- 310 viii CONTENTS

