Sinclair, Sir William J.: Semmelweis. His Life and his Doctrine (Manchester, 1909)

Table of contents

CONTENTS PAGE Hebra’s Second Article ------ 78 Haller - -- -- -- -80 Assistantship Expired - -............................................................81 Spread of Doctrine by Controversy - - - - 82 Skoda and Klein ------ 82 Skoda at the Academy of Sciences, - - - 85 Brücke—Schmidt ------ 87 Bednar and the New-born - - - - 89 Scanzoni - -- -- --90 Seyfert - -- -- -- -97 Wieger, of Strassburg - - - - - 99 Semmelweis at Medical Society ----- 100 Kiwisch, of Würzburg ------ 105 Lumpe - -- -- -- -- 108 Close of Vienna Period - - - - - - 111 V. Life in Buda-Pesth - - - - - - - 115 State of Hungary - - - - - - - 115 Appointment at St. Rochus Hospital - - 120 Professor of Midwifery - - - - - 125 Obstetric Clinic - - - - - - 126 Medical Journal - - - - - -130 Marriage ------- 132 Hospital Work ------ 134 Spread of Doctrine before “Die JZtiologie” - - 143 v. Arneth in Paris ------ 146 The Doctrine in Great Britain - - - 148 Chiari . - .................................................................152 R osshirt 152 Kiwisch -------- 152 Various Opinions ------ 154 Carl Braun ------- 155 Virchow -------- 165

