Külügyi Szemle - A Magyar Külügyi Intézet folyóirata - 2011 (10. évfolyam)

2011 / 2. szám - FRANCIAORSZÁG ÉS A FRANCIA-MAGYAR KAPCSOLATOK - Fejérdy Gergely: A francia kultúrdiplomácia főbb törekvései és lehetőségei Magyarországon 1945 és 1990 között

Résumé Résumé Principal intentions and possibilities of French cultural diplomacy in Hungary, 1945-1990 Cultural diplomacy is a major pillar of French foreign policy, which has acquired great significance during the Cold War. After the Second World War it seemed Paris could be able to use this instrument efficiently to strengthen her positions in the Central and Eastern European region. In relation to this process, a significant reinvigoration could be observed in Franco-Hungarian cultural relations and in their institutional founda­tion created in Hungary. With respect to its institutional presence, Paris was particu­larly motivated by the aspiration to replace the traditional German influence. Never­theless, after the autumn of 1947 the international events and the deepening East-West antagonism gradually, but completely narrowed the room for manoeuvre by France in the states within the Soviet zone of occupation. In Budapest, uniquely in the Eastern bloc, the French Institute in Budapest was not doomed to end its operation. Without change in the status quo, the opportunity to improve French cultural presence opened after 1953, which was seriously set back by the suppression of the Hungarian uprising of 1956. France took careful steps to open toward Budapest after 1959. In this cautious rapprochement, France relied principally on the means of cultural diplomacy. The new foreign policy concept of the De Gaulle era had a positive effect on the French cultural presence in Hungary. Since 1970 Paris has considered the Hungarian openness exem­plary in this regard. After 1981 during the presidency of Mitterrand, French cultural activity has become particularly intensive in Hungary and that played an important role in the definition of new foundations for diplomatic relations between Paris and Budapest at the moment of changes in the Hungarian political regime. . nyár 2011 75

