Külügyi Szemle - A Teleki László Intézet Külpolitikai Tanulmányok Központja folyóirata - 2002 (1. évfolyam)

2002 / 2. szám - RÉSUMÉ - Kollár János: Turkey in the Fight against Terrorism

Résumé to organize high-level visits to our most important political and economic partners at least once in every election cycle. Each ministry should organize visits with sufficient regularity in order to ensure the continuity of official contacts with our most important partners. b) Multinational corporations from the Asia-Pacific region have a decisive role in our economic relations with the countries of the region. Such corporations have invested more the 1,9 billion USD in Hungary and generate most of our trade with the region. c) Hungary's trade promotion instruments and its system of incentives should be utilized for promoting the export activities of domestic small and medium enterprises and for reducing our trade deficit with the countries of Asia. d) Cultural relations have a distinguished role in the formulation of the image of the host country and aimed at capturing the attention of local business, political and intellectu­al circles interested in Hungary. Because of its multiplier effect and impact on economic re­lations, educational cooperation deserves both governmental and business sponsorship. János Kollár: Turkey in the Fight against Terrorism "Turkey has a grandiose past and a brilliant future, but its present. .."as the author summa­rizes the state of the country adding immediately what he means by that: the Turkish Republic is continuously developing often at a breathe-taking space since Atatiirk and the importance of the country is growing after the Septemberll terrorist actions against the U.S. The Turkish Republic occupies a most peculiar place among the states with overhelming Islamic population. She is definitely the most secularized, the most westernized and being the only Islamic member of NATO and candidate to the EU, has the widest and deepest-rooted relations with the Western Civilization. Turkey is qalified by Prof. Huntington as a country changing its civilization and according to him this endeavor is doomed to failure. Nevertheless, the leaders of Turkey's most important ally, the U.S. and as those of other NATO-countries echo the opinion of the Turkish Atatiirkist politicians and government officials that the Turkish state is the model for all Islamic states to have a democratic and modern society. But EU-officials often refer to the extraordinary role of the army in the Turkish political life as a lack in fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria. Their heroic independent war and other factors give explanation to this function of the army which includes the fight against extremists in the political scene i. e. the terrorists of the political right and left, Kurdish separatism and Islamic fundamentalism. The Kurdish drive for more minority rights makes the Turkish political elite to be vigilant concerning its policy towards Iraq and the relevant American considerations and moves. 2002. nyár 205

